Tuesday 16 December 2014

Drashtavyeshu kimuththamam?

Drashtavyeshu kimuththamam?mrugadrusah premaprasannam mukham, Ghraathavveshvapi kim?thadaasyapavanah sraavyeshu kim?thadvachah, Kim svaadveshu?thadoshtapallavarasah,sprusyeshu kim?thadvapuh, Rdhyeyam kim?navayouvane sahrudayaih sarvathra thadvibhramaah//7// Here writer is explaining which are nearer to the heart and soul in a question and answer mode.A lover is romantic at heart. What are the things which make him salivate and liquify his senses are these.What do youth want to see ?They want to see the cute and beautiful face of his lover.His visual senses are satisfied.What do they want to smell?Body odour of his lover which lightly comes from her face towards him.What does he want to hear?The best things he wants hear is her lady loves voice.By this ,his audio senses are satisfied.What does he want to drink most?The slight wetness over her lips when he kisses her.By this act,his taste buds get a boost.What does he wants to touch mostly?He wants to touch the soft,smooth and tender skin of his lover.What does he want to think all the time?He wants to relish and think over and over her beautiful and mind rocking gestures and behaviour all the time and savour it . All this proves that people should go for the best and to pick the best woman for their lives.

Smitham kinchanmugdham

Smitham kinchanmugdham,sarala tharalo drushti vibhavah Parispando vaachaa mabhinava vilaasokthirasah, Gathaanaa maarambhah kisalayitha leelaaparikarah Sprusanthyaa sthaarunyam ki miva hi na ramyam mrugadrusah//6// For one,who enters into her teenage,every thing she does is rapturous to the on looker.She has little smile on her face.She is cute to look at.Her looks waver here and thither once and again and is bewitching.She starts to talk in a sweet voice in an alluring way.She starts to swing her hips lightly as it is the beginning of her youth.She starts to feel shy in a very light manner. All theses guestures and behaviour are cute on a teenager.

vakthram chandra vikaasi

Vakthram chandra vikaasi,panka japareehaasakshame lochane, Varnah swarnamapaakarishnu,ralineejishnuh kachaanaam chayah, Vakshojaa vibhakumbha vibhramaharou,gurvi nithambasdhalee, Vaachaam haari cha maardavam,yuvathishu swaabhaavikammandanam//5// Writer is of the opinion that women have so many assets by birth itself naturally.They have a shining face like that of a moon.They have beautiful eyes which belittle even the beauty of lotus flowers.They have golden sheen of skin which shines better than gold.their hair style resembles black bees.their breasts are more elegant than elephants kumbhasdhala.They talk in a delicious and melodious voice in softer tone.They have big and beautiful buttocks.

Friday 5 December 2014

kvachi thprabhroobhangeh

Kvachi thpabhroobhangeh ,kvachi dapi cha lajjaaparigathaih, kvachi dbheethithasthraih,kvachi dapi leelaavilasithaih, kumaareenaa methairmadanasubvhagai rnethravalithaih Sphurannee laabjaanaam prakaraparikeernaa iva disah//4// writer is explaining the traits of women who bewitch men.At times,they lift their eyebrows.At another time,they project remnants of shyness.Sometimes,they are afraid and confused and shiver with fear.Many a time,they improve their looks and appearance.Due to excitement,some times their looks appear astonishment and their eyes and looks look like black lotus flowers.

Bhroochaathuryath kunchi

bhroochaathuryaath kunchi,thaakshaah kataakshaah Snigdhaa vaacho lajjithaanthaascha haasaah, leelaamandam prasdhitham cha sdhitham cha sthreenaa methadbhooshanam chaayudham cha//3// women move their eyebrows in a special fashion to attract men.they half close their eyes and look at men from the corner of their eyes.they talk sweetly.Their smiles are flooded with shyness in which men get entangled.They swing their hips while walking. So,even if a man sees from the back,he is moon struck.Their smiling faces bewitch men.All these traits are natural ornaments to women.These come to apt use in bowling their men.

sthree prasamsa...smithena bhaavena

smithena bhaavena cha lajjayaa bhiyaa paraangmukhairardha kataaksha veekshanaih, vachobhi rirshyaakala hena leelayaa samastha bhaavaih khalu bandanam sthriyah//2// in the act of creation,womans role is very important. so,the poet is praising woman,starting from her smile,like this.with a simple smile only a woman can bowl even sages. women bind men in family life by doing many gestures. few of them are here.They smile.they move their hands in the air.they become shy in the presence of a man.they show their displeasure by turning off their faces from men.they half close their eyes and look at them.they mesmerise by their talk.They sulk timidly.they allure by their beauty.like this,by various gestures,they attract men.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Srungaara sathakamu...Sambhu swayambhu harayo

Next hundred poems are dedicated to Srungaara rasam. Sambhu swayambhu harayo harinekshanaanaam, Yenaa kriyantha sathatham gruha kumbhadaasaah, Vaachaamagochara charithra vichithri thaaya Thasmai namo bhagavathe makaradhvajaaya//101// For Srungaara rasam,Manmadhudu is the head of the department. So,poet is saluting Manmadha.Manmadha is very powerful. He can make even Thrimoorthulu,slaves to their wives.Vishnu has Lakshmi in his chest. Siva gave half his body to his wife,Parvathi.Brahma has Saraswathi is his speech itself.When Gods themselves are prey to this,what is the chance for mortals to survive and protst this srungaaram.Brahma,Vishnu,And Siva are very powerful. They can do anything and undo any thing.But they too were made slaves to this lust.Men are bowled over by harinekshanaam...deer like eyes of females.They are bound to do house hold chores like filling up water to pots to help women at home.Practically,they become slaves to their women.Manmadha is so powerful to make men do all these things.He has crocodile on his flag mast and he has flowers as his arrows to affect the simpletons. I salute Manmadha.

Bheemam vanam bhavathi

Bheemam vanam bhavathi thasya puram pradhaanam Sarvojanah sujanathaa mupayaathi thasya, Kruthsnaacha bhoorbhavathi sanni dhirathna poornaa Ya syaasthi poorva sukrutham vipulam narasya//100// Why talk in prolonged manner? wherever, a good person stays,he would reap what all is best for him.For a person who has done good deeds earlier and has achieved Punya,even in the dark forest,he would enjoy lifewith all the pleasures.All his friends become his well wishers and good relations.Entire Earth gives him diamonds and pearls ,good things,wherever he lives and stays.

Vane rane sathru jalaagni madhye

Vane rane sathru jalaagni madhye,guhaarnave parvatha masthake vaa, Suptham pramaththam vishamsdhitham vaa takshanthi punyaani puraakruthaani//99// Even in times of calamities and difficulties,effect of our good deeds done earlier alone would help us revive to normalcy. Whether We are in the forest,at war,in midst of enemies,in water,in fire,in the middle of oceans,on the hill top,while asleep,or in the state of intoxication,in times of danger....our earlier good deeds and their fruits alone would help us from destruction or degradation.

majjathvambhasi ,yaaathu merusikharam

Majjathvambhasi ,yaathu meru sikharam ,sathroon jayathvaahave, Vaanajyam krushi sevanaadi sakala vidyaah kalaah sikshathaam, Aakaasam vipulam prayaathu khagavathkruthvaa prayathnam param, Naabhaavyam bhavatheeha bhaagyavaso,bhavyasyanaasah kuthah?//98// If we are destined to enjoy fruits of our trials,we would definitely receive them. Other wise,what ever trials we make in our life,they would never bear fruit.Even if a person hoes under water and is crumbled by heavy water pillars,lift Meruparvatham by the strength of his yogic power,defeat enemies at war,be a success in his business activities,best at farming his lands,study all the subjects and learn a lot,practice a lot and fly into the air like a bird,....if any thing is destined not to come into his hands,he would never acquire and if he is destined to reap the fruits,nothing can stop him from possessing it.

nai vaakruthih ,phalathi

naivaakruthih ,phalathi,naiva kulam,na seelam, vidyaapinaiva ,na cha yathnakruthaaapi sevaa, bhaagyaani poorvathavasaa khalu sanchithaani kaale phalanthi purushasya yadhaiva vrukshaah//97// dOING GOOD DEEDS ALONE BRINGS US GOOD FATE AND NOTHING ELSE.For a man his physical features,caste,nature ,education..which are all done by practice and intentionally...never bring furit.good things we do in our earlier days or earlier life,penance we do.its fruit is like a tree and gives results when ever good time comes to us.So,we have to do penance all the time.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

sdhaalyaam vaidooryamayyaam pachathi thilakhilam chaandanai

Sdhaalayaam vaidooryamayyaam pachathi thilakhilam chaandanai rindhanoughaih, Souvarnai rlaangalaagrai rvilikhithi vasudhaa marka thoolasya hethoh, Chiththvaa karpoorakhandaan vruthi miha kuruthekodravaam samanthaath, Praapyemaam karmabhoomim na bhajathi manujo sthapo mandabhaagyah//96// He is a fool who does not do Karma according to the the place where he is living, that is according to the rules and regulations prevailing in that area.In this context,poet is referring to the pious Bharatha khandam.who everis born in Bharatha khandam,he is very lucky.iF HE does not do penance,he is a complete loser and a waste fellow.It is as if in the diamond studded vessel,alighting sandal logs,a person cooks cheap millets powder.He is equal to such a person,who uses golden plough to plant waste madar trees or jilledu plants.He is equal to such a person,who cuts karpoora trees to make a fence for useless grass and fodder. so,if you are a well wisher,you should involve yourself in doing good deeds.

Gunava dagunava dvaa

Gunava dagunava dvaa kurvathraa kaarya maadou Parinathi ravadhaaryaa yathnathah pandithena, Athirabhasakruthaanaam karmanaa maavipaththe Rbhavathi hrudayadaahee salyathulyo vipaakah//95// You should think well before doing any thing. you should never act hastily,without assessing the after effects of our deeds.A good knowledgeabl should think well before attemting anything,whether it is good or bad.If you do not think ,but do anything hastily. those things would sting you like arrows all your life,till death takes you away.

Subhram sadma,savibhramaa

Subhram sadma,savibhramaa yuvathayah,swethaathapathrojjvalaa Lakshmee,rithyanubhooyathe chira manusyoothe subhe karmanih, Vichchinne nitharaamanangakalaha kreedaathrutaththanthukam Mukthaajaala miva prayaathi jhudithi bhrasyaddisoadrusyathaam//94// both increase and decrese are in the hands of fate.so,please engage yourself in doing good deeds.if your fate is good,you would acquire good buildings,beautiful and young women,and kingdoms to rule.if good fate moves away from your hands,your wealth and riches crash down like pack of cards. It is as if a pearl chain is torn in harsh sexual act,where in pearls are swirled in all directions and you do not have control in assembling all of them and tie them to a string neatly.You can not even find all of them. You miss some of them from your sight.your good acquisitions are scattered all over,with neither reason nor rhyme.

yaa saadhoom schakhalaan karothi

yaa saadhoom schakhalaan karothi,vidushomoorkhaan ,hithaandveshinah, Prathyaksham kuruthe paroksha ,mamrutham haalaahalam thakshanaath Thaa maaraadhaya sathkriyam bhagavatheem bhokthum phalam vaanchatham, Hesaadho ,vyasanairguneshu vipuleshvaasdhaam vrudhaa maakrudhaah//93// Because Karma is powerful and controlling factor,poet is saluting it.so,every one should be calm and composed for all the good deeds to happen.Sathkarma or good fate turns bad guys into good ones in a second.It makes an ignorant person and a dull head into a knowledgeable person.It turns enemies into friends.It makes us see things which are invisible till then.It transforms poison into life saving Amrutham.so,one need not strain themselves in unwanted rajo and thamasa traits.

Brahmaa yena kulaalavanniyamitho

Brahmaa yena kulaalavanniyamitho brahmaanda bhaandodare Vishnuryena dasaavathaaragahane kshiptho mahaasankate Rudro yena kapaalapaaniputake bhikshaatanam sevathe Sooryo bhraamyathi nithyameva gagane thasmai namah karmane//92// Here poet is explainimg the importance of fate.Brahma was made to work i the rounded Brahmaandam in creating the life on this universe.under what pressure,Vishnu has undertaken the difficulties of attiring all the ten Dasaavathaaras?What made Rudra to hold a skull in his hands go for alms?Why does Sun move all around daily,from times immemorial till eternity? I salute that powerful Karma,which controls this entire universe.

karma paddhathi...namasyaamo deva

Namasyaamo devaa,nnanu hathavidhesthe api vasagaa vidhi rvandyah ,soapi prathiniyatha karmaika phaladah, phalam karmaayaththam,ki mamaraganaih?kim cha vidhinaa? Namastha thkarmabhyo,vidhirapi na yebhyah prabhavathi//91// in the next ten poems ,poet is telling us that Karma or fate is more powerful than God.I salute deities.But they are in the grip of God .So.I salute Him.That God gives us according to our fate.So,I salute Karma.Result always depends on our fate.So,why should I care either deities or God?I salute Karma,which even deities can not overcome.


Daivena prabhunaa swayam jagathi ya dyasya pramaaneekrutham thaththa syopaname nnanaa gapi mahaannaivaasrayah kaaranam, Sarvaasaaparipoorake jaladhare varsha thyapi prathyaham sookshmaa yeva pathanthi chaathaka mukhe dvithraah payobindavah//90// So,we have to bow to the Almighty for everything.Whate ever one is supposed to acquire ,he would definitely possess.For this,we need not go to anyone and crave.great clouds spread in all directions and rain heavily. But a bird,chaathaka pakshi can secure only few drops of water into its mouth by fullyy opening its mouth.It can never have more than few drops.even if it rains heavily.Even if we secure great peoples protection or assistance,our fruits will be limited.They will not be as huge as we hope.So,you have to seek the protection and assistance of God .

virama viramaayaasaa dasmaa

Virama viramaayaasaa dasmaa dduradhyavasaayatho Vipadi mahathaam dhairya dhvamsam ya deekshithu meehase, Ayi jada vidhe ,kalpaapaayeapyapetha nijakramaah Kulasikharinah kshudraavaithe na vaa jalaraasayah//89// even if Almighty puts obstacls and difficulties in the lives of good people,they never lose their cool and are strong mentally.Hey God!you are not using your brain.You are trying to bring difficulties to good natured people.You re trying to make them lose their courage. But you would never succeed in it.Even during the end of Kalpam,great things like pious mountains...Mahendramu,Malayamu,Sahyamu,Saamanthamu,Rukshaparvathamu,Vindhyamu and paariyaathramu a,d great seven oceans never cross their limits.They are within their boundaries.so,in normal times you can never even dream that they would lose courage and belittle themselves.


Priya sakha,vipaddandaaghaatha prapaatha paramparaa Parichayaabale chinthaa chakre nidhaaya vidhih khalah, Mrudamiva balaa thpindeekruthya pragalbha kulaalava Dbhramayathi mano,no janeemah kimathra vidhaasyathi//88// Nothing is in our hands. difficulties are according to fate.They are in the hands of Almighty.Poet is irritated by the acts of God.He is harsh at his DOINGS. He is actually hurt .This bad God is so cruel.He has made my mind and soul like a pulp. He is thawing it like a man who does pottery,beating with a stick all the time to soften it .He is beating with sticks of difficulties. He is rotating and churning on a wheel of tension and sadness.Why he is doing like this,I am unable to understand.


Ayamamrutha nidhaanam,naayako pyoshadheenaam, sathabhishah ganuyaathah,sambhumoordhno vathamsah, Virahayathi na chainam raajayakshmaa sasaankam, hathavidhi paripaakah kena vaa langhaneeyah?87// However great may be a person,he can not escape from fate.This moon,whom we are seeing daily is the place of Amrutham.He is the king of all medicinal herbs and plants.He will be having hundred doctors with him all the time.He is an ornament of Lord Siva. He is on his head all the time.Still,he suffers from destruction or kshayam.That is ,he would diminish daily till Amaavasya ie no moon .So,this proves that no one can escape fate.

Saturday 18 October 2014

srujathi thaava thasesha gunaakaram

Srujathi thaava thasesha gunaakaram purusharathna malankaranam bhuvah, thadapi tha,kshanabhangi karothi ch, dahaha ,kashtama pandithathaa vidheh//86// Brahma is a fool because he shortens the life span of good charactered people.This is the opinion of the writer.dAIVAM or the God is creating a man who is the best,with all the good characters.He is like a jewel to the beauty of the Earth. But it is immediately destroying it with in seconds. This shows the foolishness or ignorance of the Creator.

gaja bhujanga vihangama bandhanam

Gaja bhujanga vihangama bandhanam, sasi divaakarayo rgrahapeedanam, mathimathaam cha vilokya daridrathaam vidhiraho balavaanithime mathih//85// compared to all other factors in life,Gods grace is the strongest,in our achievements . Actually elephants,birds and serpants are strong and it is not easy to capture them.But still,they are caged and are caught.Sun and Moon are great planets. But still,they are eaten or gulped by demons Raahu and Kethu and as a result eclipse is formed. Good people,without their wrong doings, suffer from poverty and difficulies. By observing all these,poet is coming to the conclusion that gODS EFFECT OR FATE is powerful.

kharvaato divasesvarasya kiranaih

kharvaato divasesvarasya kiranaih santhaapithe masthake vaanchaandesa manaathapam vidhivasaa ththaalasya moolam gathah, thathrapyasya mahaaphalena pathathaa bhagnam sasabdam sirah, praayogachchathi yathra daivahathakastha thraiva yaa nthyaapadah//84// wherever one,is,he can never be happy and contented,if he does not have the blessings of God.for this,poet has taken the example of a bald headed person. One after noon,a bald headed person was walking on the road. due to severe sun rays, his head was scorching. he could not withstand the heat. So,he moved to a shaded place under a huge tree.But at that time,a huge fruit from the tree fell on his head and his head broke into pieces. if we do not have Gods grace and blessings,we can never be safe nor secured,wherever we go.difficulties flock to that person,wherever he moves.

yadhaa kandukapaathe

yadhaa kandukapaathe no thpatha thyaaryah pathannapi, thadhaa thvanaaryah vathathi mruthpindapathanam yadhaa//83// here poet is explaining the fate of a person who believes in God and who does not believe in God.when a ball falls on the ground,it bounces back with force. similarly,a person who has belief in God,rises to a comfortable high post,even if he is down for some time,with renewed vigour.that means good days come back to him,even if he suffers for a short period.while in the case of a bad guy,who has no faith in God,it is like a clay ball,which does not bounce back ,once it falls on the ground.thaat is a bad guy,once he is in a low position,can never recover and grow to a higher position.

bhagnaasasya karanda pinditha thano

bhagnaasasya karanda pinditha thano rlmaanendriyasya kshudhaa kruthvaakhu rvivaram swayam nipathitho naktham mukhe bhoginah, thrupthastha thpisithena sathvara masou thenaiva yaathah padhaa swasdhaa sthishtatha daivameva hi param vruddhou kshaye kaaranam//82// poet is telling that for getting entangled into materialistic relations or achieving salvation,for destruction or progress,God is responsible.to explain it,he is giving us the example of rat and a snake. one night,a rat made a hole in to a basket for food.but earlier to that ,a snake had gone inside and got entangled in the narrow basket and could not come out.it was hungry,but could not come out of the basket .it was becoming weak day by day and was losing all its strength. but when the rat entered the basket,the snake ate it eagerly and came out of the basket through the hole made by the rat.so,for development or progress and degeneration or destruction,God is wholly responsible.

Thursday 16 October 2014

daiva paddhathi..nethaa asya bruhaspathi

nethaa asya bruhaspathi .prahakanam vajram ,suraah sainikaah, swargodurga,manugrahah khalu hare,rairaavano vaaranah, ithyaascharya jalaanvithoapi balabhi dbhagnah paraih sangare, thadvyaktham nanu daivameva saranam dhig vrudhaa pourusham//81// in this Daiva paddhathi,poet is telling us that god is more stronger than courage and valour.in this context,he is giving us the example of Indra,king of dietiees.Indra has Bruhaspathi as his teacher.he has vajram ie diamond as his weapon ie vajraayudham.His entire army comprises of deities.heaven is his fort.he has the blessings of Vishnu.he alights Airaavatham,unique elephant.having so many powers,we feel Indra can never be defeated by any one. But,he too is defeated by enemies in war. so,for every thing in life,daivabalam is more important than valou or courage.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Aiswaryasya vibhooshanam

Aiswaryasya vibhooshanam sujanathaa,souryasya vaaksamyamo,

Jnaana syopasama,sruthasya vinayo,viththasya paathre vyayah,

Akrodhasthapasah,kshamaa prabhavithu,rdharmasya mirvyaajathaa,

Sarveshaa mapu sarvakaarana midam seelam param bhooshanam//80//

Character is the utmost ornament any one can adorn all the time.even when you are rich and wealthy,one should maintain their good character.when you are valiant and courageous,you should talk less.when you have ample knowledge,you should not have materialistic temptations.when you are educated,you should not be arrogant but pliant.if you have money ,you should be able to help the poor and needy.if you are a yogi or saint,you should never lose your temper.if you aye efficient,you should be patient.without complaining ,you should do your good deeds and go in the right path.
These are all the natural ornaments any good charactered person will have.these traits are better and the best ornaments than the golden ornaments which all the ordinary people put on.

Chinnoapi rohathi tharuh ksheeno

Chinnoapi rohathi tharuh ksheenoapyupacheeyathe punaschandrah,

Ithi vimrusanthassanthah santhapyanthe na vipluthaa loke!//79//

Good charactered persons are never sorrowful .they are like perennial trees,which bloom and put new leaves and branches even after they are beheaded.moon on Amaavaasya,still grows to be a full moon,day by day.they are not unhappy,in times of difficulties but are always optimistc.

Vahnisthasya jalaayathe

Vahnisthasya jalaayathe,jalanidhih kulyaayathe,thathranaa

Nmeruh svalpasilaayathe,mrugapathih sadyah kuranjiyathe,

Vyaalo maalyagunaayathe ,visharasah peeyooshavarshaayathe

Yasyaangeakhila lokavalla bhathamam seelam samunmeelathi!//78//

For good charactered persons,even difficulties become blessings.for good natured and good charactered persons,fire feels like cool water.Meru mountain looks like a small boulder.lion appears to be a deer.snake feels like a garland.Poison tastes like life saving Amrutham.

Varam thungaachchrungaadguru sikharinah kvaapi vishame

Varam thungaachchrungaadguru sikharinah kvaapi vishame

Pathithvaayam kaayah katinadrushadanthe vidalithah,

Varam nyasthohasthah phanipathi mukhe theekshadasne

Varam vahnou paatha,stha dapi na kruthah selavilayah//77//

It is better to die than to degrade ourselves or assassinate our character.it is better to fall from high mountains on to to steep rocks and die.it is even better to put our hand into the mouth of Aadiseshu nag,poisonous snake,which emits poison.it is better to fall into engulfing flames of fire.but it is never better to lose our integrity,good character and behaviour.

Kavardhitha syaapi hi dhairya vruththe

Kavardhitha syaapi hi dhairyavruththe

Rnasakyathe dhairyagunah pramaarshum,

Adhomukha syaapi kruthasyavahne

Rnaadhah sikhaa yaathi kadaachi deva!//76//

If you are courageous,no one can stop you from disclosing it.a courageous man never loses his courage even in times of sorrows or difficulties.it is so simple. When you upside down a stick which is burning,fire will still go up,never burns downwards.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Kaanthaa kataaksha visikhaa

Kaanthaa kataaksha visikhaa nalunanthi yasya

Chiththam na nirdahathi kopakrusaanuthaapah,

Tharshanthi bhoorivishayaa schanalobhapaasai

Rlokathrayam jayathi. Kruthsnamitham sadheerah//75//

Poet is explaining the nature and traits of courageous people.their mind and soul is not affected by womans arrow like looks.fire of anger does not burn their mind.their heart is not dragged by greed and too much desire. Such great peoplerule the universe .

Nindanthu neethi nipunaa

Nindanthu neethinipunaa,yadi vaasthuvanthu,

Lakshmeeh samaavisathu,gachchathu vaa yadheshtam,

Adyaiva  vaa marana masthu,yugaantharevaa,

Vyaayaathpadhah pravichalanthi padam na dheeraah!//74//

Courageous people never leave the right and lawful way.good people never waver ,even if great scholars abuse them or praise them.they are constant even when riches come or go.they do not vare whether death comes to them the very next second or at the end of this kalpam or universe.whatever the conditions,they never waver from righteous path.

Kvachi tprudhveesayyah

Kvachi thprudhveesayyah,kvachi dapi cha paryankasayanah,

Kvachi chchaakaahaarah,kvachi dapi cha saalyodalaruchih,

Kvachi thkandhaadhaaree,kvachi dapi cha divyaambaradharo,

Manasvee kaaryaardhee na ganayithi duhkham na cha sukham!//73//

A person who is a doer,never cares for difficulties or luxuries,till his work is completed.valiant worker might get to sleep on the ground sometimes and on good better at other times.at one time he has to suffice his hunger by eating vegetables only. At other times ,he might get rice and rich food for eating.some times,he might have to compromise by tying a rough cloth.some other times,he might have access to wear costly silk clothing.he would never weep when difficultiesa rise and he would never feel proud if riches and good days come to him.

Praarabhyathe na khalu

Praarabhyathe na khalu vighnabhayena neechaih

Praarabhya vighnanihathaa viramamthi madhyaah,

Vighnai rmuhurmuhu rapi prathihanyamaanaah

Praarabdha muththamagunaa naarithyajanthi!//72//

Poet is telling the difference  between uththama,madhyama ans neecha persons.adhamulu ie characterless people do not start any worth while work for fear that obstacles might rise in execution.madhyamulu ie average people start the work ,but stop it when difficulties arise in the middle.while charactered and courageous people never stop their mission,once it gets started.they do not stop the work even if  obstructions and obstacles arise during execution of the work.until it is completed,they do not go astray but finish it.

Dhairya paddhathi...Rathnairmahaabdhesthu

Rathnairmahaabdhesthuthushurna devaa,

Na bheji re bheema vishena bheethim,

Sudhaam vinaasa prayayirviraamam

Na nischithaardhaadviramanthi dheeraah!//71//

Courageous and valiant people never stop trying to complete the work they have undertaken,under any circumstances.when deities were churning the paalasamudram,they were not attracted by the diamonds and rubies that came from the sea.they were not afraid of the kaalakoota vsham ie poison that came when they were churning the sea.they continued their mission,till they obtained Amrutham ie life giver for eternity.

Manasi vachasi

Manasi vachasi kaaye punyapeeyoosha poornaa

Sthribhuvana mupakaarasrenibhih preenayanthah

Paraguna paramaanoon parvatheekruthya nithyam

Nijahrudi vakasanthah santhi santhah kiyanthah//70//

Good people are rare to be found.people who think good,speak truth,and act in good and righteous manner are rare.their lives are complete .they help every one who is in need of help,whether theya sk for help or not.they praise the good in others even if it is negligible.they are always happy
and content.such people are handful.

Thrushnaam chindi

Thrushnaam chindi,bhaja kshamaam,jahi madam,paape rathim maa krudhaah,

Sathyam broohyanuyaahi saadhupadaveem,sevasva vidpajjanam,

Maanyaanmaanaya,vidvisho pyanunayam prakhyaapaya prasrayam,

Keerthimpaalaya,duhkhithe kuru dayaa,methathsathaam cheshtithaam!//69//

Craving for others riches rings problems.when others belittle you,controlling your anger is called patience and forgiveness.if we lose our temper,bad will happen.if we are proud that we have gained ample knowledge,it makes us lose our common sense.thus,we do wrong acts resulting in harmful things.so,we should insist our selves in speaking the truth always.,doing rightful acts.if we do not tell truth,we might sin .we have to lead our lives in right path.other wise,we might end up doing wrong acts, and follow the wrong path and behave badly .we have to respect  our elders. Other wise,good name,righteousness and riches would leave us.if you make enemies, they find out your weakness and destroy you.if you live in right path,you become famous and respected by all.you should be respectful and docile towards your teachers.otherwise,you are as good as dead.you should be kind enough and .have the intention to help the needy.if you do not have that helping and kind nature your conscience will not be clear and clean.so if you want to be called as Sujanudu,you should have all the above traits.
Traits of good people are like this.we should not be greedy. We should be patient.we should never be headstrong.we should not be tempted to do wrong deeds.we should always speak the truth.we should go in the path paved by other elderly good and righteous people.we should serve knowlegeable persons.we should respect elders.we should treat even enemies in a kind and nice way.we should be docile when interacting with elders.we should behave in a manner that no bad name comes to us.we should be kind towards needy and down trodden.

Jaathah koorma sa

Jaathah koorma sa yekah prudhu bhuvana bharaayaarpitham yena prushtam

Slaaghyam janmadhruva syabhramathi niyamitham yathra thejasvichakram

Sanjaatha vyardhapakshaah parahitha karanenarishtaanna chaadho

Brahmannodumbaraantharmasakava dapare janthavo jaathanashtaah!//68//

In helping others two persons have reached the ultimatum. Their lives are fruitful and successful.life of Aadikoormam ie first tortoise which bore the entire weight of  the universe and Dhruva ,who was instrumental in making Jyothischakram to rotate on Meruvu are really great and worth loving.allotherswho could not help in such a greatmanner are eitherin the eginning likeAAdikoorma  nor in the top like Dhruva.in the fig fruit like Brahmaandam,others are like insects,which are born and die ,without any aim or rhyme.

Friday 3 October 2014

Ithah swapithikesavah

Ithah swapithi kesavah,kula mithasthadeeyadvishaa

Mithascha saranaardhinaam sikharinaam ganaah serathe,

Ithoapi badabaanala sahasamastha samvarthakai

Raho vithatha moorjitham bharasaham cha sindhorvapuh!//67//

Great people give acceptance and help for all kinds of people.let us take the example of sea.its hugeness,its humility,its kindness have no bounds.on one side,it acts as a bed for Sree Mahaa Vishnu,who is maintaining all the fourteen universes.on other side,it accomodates Kalakeyaadulu who are afraid of Vishnu and are demons.on one side,it lets Mainakaadi mountains to stay and reside ,who have come there to protect themselves from Indra.on the other side,it maintains badabaanalam fire in the sea.though ,badabaanalam dries the ocean with its flames,it still persists and enlarge.
Like this,great people give protection to wide range of people.

Ksheerenaathmagatho dakaaya

Ksheerenaatgmagatho dakaaya hi gunaa daththaauraa thealhalaah

Ksheerothnaava mavekshya thena payasaa swaath aa krusaanohuthah,

Ganthumpaavaka munmana sthadabhavaddhrushtvaathu miththraapadam

Yukthamthenajalena saamyathi,sathaam maiththree punasthveedrusee!//66//

Good friends always mingle like milk and water.for this,he is explaining like this. When water mixes with milk milk gives its characters to water.water understands this,and when ilk is put on fire,water boils and falls into the flames.seeing this. Milk also tries to fall into fire,but when water is sprinkled,milk gets subdued and calm and retains itself.friendship with good people will be like this.

Paapaanni vaarayathi

Paapaanni vaarayathi ,yojayathe hithaaya,

Guhyam niguhathi,gunaan prakateekarothi,

Aapadgatham cha na jahaathi,dadaathi kaaleh,

Sanmithra lakshana midam pravadanthi santhah!//65//

Poet is telling us about the character of a good friend.
A good friend warns us from doing wrong acts.he encourages us in doing good things.he keeps our secrets .he boasts our good traits in public.he never leaves you alone in times of need hardships and difficulties.he helps by giving what is needed according to the times, in an appropriate manner.
These are the good traits that a good and reliable friend should possess.

Yethe sathpurushaah paraardhaghatakaa a

Yethe sathpurushaah paraardhaghatakaa sswaardhaah parithyajyaye

Saamaanyaa sthuparaadha mudyama hruthahswaardhaavirodhena  ye,

Theameemaanusharaakshasaah parahitham swaardhaaya nighnanthi ye

Ye thu ghnanthi nirardhakam parahithamthe ke na jaaneemahe!//64//

Poet is telling us the difference  between great medium and low charactered people.great people forsake their work and help others in fulfilling their goals.medium people help others in a manner,when there is no hindrance for their work.low people spoil others work to fulfil their goals.they are demons among mankind.there is another category,who destroy othersworkeven though there is no benefit for them in doing so.poet has no words to name them .
Good people should think aptly as what they should follow in their lives.

Padmaakaram dinakaro

Padmaakaram dinakarovikacham karothi,

Chandrovikaasachathi kairava chakra vaalam,

Naabhyardhitho jaladharoapi jalamdadaathi,
Santhah swayam parahithe vihthaabheeyogaah!//63//

Great people donate,even when not asked and requested by the needy.no one prays ,but Sun daily rises in the East and make lotus pond bloom with lotus flowers.Moon  without being asked,shines in the night and makes kaluva flowers bloom in the night.clouds rain water ,without any one requesting them for water.
Good and great people help others always and they like it.

Srothram sruthenaiva

Srothram sruthenaiva na kundalena,

Danena paanirnathu kankanena,

Vibhaathi kaayah karunaarakaanaam,

Paropakaarena na chandanena!//62//

Poet is explaining the traits of good people,who are kind hearted.for kind hearted good people,hearing good and meaningful sciences is an ornament,but not golden ear studs.giving donations and alms are their ornaments  for hands,but not precious stone studded bracelets.helping others is the natural beautification of their bodies,but not applying sandal paste.

Paropakaara paddhathi...bhavanthinamraastharavah

Bhavanthi namraastharavah phalodgamai

Rnavaambunhirdoola vilambino ghanaah,


Swabhaava yevaisha paropakaarinaam//61//

In parakaara paddhathioet is explaining about helping nature in men.trees bend down when they are full with fruits.clouds when they are filled with new water drops,they lie low in the sky with weight of water.great people,when they acquire treasures and wealth,never are proud and head strong.it is their nature.this docility,being low,and being calm and composed without any over headedness is natural to good and great people.

Monday 29 September 2014


Namrathvenonnamanthah,paragunakadhanaih swaangunkhyaapayanthah,

Swaardhaa ssampaadayantho vithathaprudhutharaarambha yathnaah paraadhe,

Kshaanthyaivaakshepa rookshaakshara mukhaara mukhaa ndurjanaa nduhkhayanthah,

Santhassaascharuacharyaa jagathi bahumathaah kasya naabhyarchaneeyaah?//60//

Good charactered people are respectable every where,by every one.great people  gain their greatness by being calm and composed.they praise others greatness and by praising them prove their kind heart.they try hard for others in achieving their goals,and by the way full fill their tasks and goals .also.if any one misbehaves with them,they show their patience and still make them unhappy and sorry for their misdeeds.only great people can have such a surprising  behaviour.when one has such a nice nature,who can with hold from praising and respecting them.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Yah preenaye thsucharithaih

Yah preenaye thsucharithaih pitharam sa puththro

Ya dbharthurevahitha michchathi thathkalathram,

Thanmiththra maapadi sukhe cha

Samakriyam ya,dethath thrayam jagathi punyakrutho labhanthe!//59//

Poet is telling that we should have done some good deeds in our earlier life if at all we want to enjoy good life in this birth.a good son makes a father happy b his good deeds and nature.a good wife always prays for her husbands welfare and well being.a good treats you alike even in the times difficulties or in good times.only lucky and good people can get such good son,good wife and good friend.

Santhapthaayasi samsdhithasya

Santhapthaayasi samsdhithasya payaso naamaapi na srooyathe

Mukthaakaarathayaa thadeva nalineepathrasdhitham drusyathe,

Anthassaagara sukthi madhyapathitham thanmoukthikam jaayathe,

Praayenaadhama madhya moththama jushaamevam vidhaavruththaya!//58//

Our fate changes according to the people to whom we go for help.if a drop of water falls on hot iron,it evaporates with out any name or fame.if it falls on a lotus leaf,it glistens like a pearl.same drop ,if it falls in coral shell,it becomes a real pearl.whom ever we follow,we become lower,middle and high class ...ie total disaster,illusionary happiness and real happiness.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Pradaanam prachchannam

Pradaanam prachchannam, Gruhamupagathe sambhramavidhih

Priyam kruthvaa mounam,sadasi kadhanam chaapyuprakrutheh,

Anuthseko lakshmyaam,nirabhibhavasaaraah parakadhaah

Sathaam kenoddishtam vishama masidhaaraa vratham!//57//

We should help others silently,without others knowing about it.if anyone comes to your house for help,you should help him with love and affection.you should not tell others about the help you did him.if any one helps you, you should tell it in open to others.you should not be proud and headstrong if  good times come to you and you become rich.you should not belittle or abuse others.
This asidhaaraavratham is not acquired but in born in great people.

Priyaanyaayyaa vruththih

Priyaa nyaayyaa vruththirmalina masubhangeapyasukaram

Thvasantho naabhuardhyaah,suhrudapi na yaachyah krusadhanah

Vipathyuchchairdhairyam,padamanuvidheyam cha mahathaam

Sathaam kenoddishtam vishama masidhaaraavratha midam?//56//

Asidhaaraavratham means that even if you keep a man on a single bed with a young woman,hew ould not lose control but observes brahmacharyamhysically and mentally.it is said to be very difficult.
Doing a legal and rightful job is the first criterion.even if your life is at stake,you should not indulge in wrong acts.you should not crave and cringe for help from bad people.even when you are  poor ,you should not seek help even from your best friend.you should be brave even in times of difficulties and problems.you should be helpful to good and great people.
This strict asidhaaraavrathma is natural to goodnatured people. It can be learnt from anyone or from anywhere.

Sampathsu mahathaam chiththam

Sampathsu mahathaam chiththam bhaveduthpalakomalam,

Aapathsu cha mahaasailasilaasanghitha karkasam!//55//

Poet is explaining us the the  mental stature of a good charactered person here.
Great peoples mind becomes soft and kind as they enjoy riches and pleasures.they are tender like petals of a lotus flower.when hardships and difficulties engulf them,they become hard like big boulders of a mountain.
This means that they do not lose their cool and composure when riches come to them.they do not waver and fear when hardships and difficulties come. They maintain equilibrium of  mantal status.


Praanaaghaathaannivruththih,paradhanaharane samyamah,sathyavaakyam,

Kaale sakthyaa pradaanam,yuvathijanakadhaa mookabhaavah,pareshaam

Thrushnosrotho vibhangah,gurushu cha vinayah,sarvabhoothaanukampaa,

Saamaanyam sarvasaasthreshvanupahathavidhih,sreyasaameshapandhaah!//54//

Poet is telling us the ways where by we can earn long term benefits.we should stop hurting other living beings.we should not aspire for others riches.we should always speak the truth.taking into consideration ,the present surviving circumstances,we should help others who are needy and practice charity.we should never talk bad of other women but maintain silence where they are concerned.we should be away from greed and greedy deeds.we should respect our teachers and elders.we should be docile.we should love all the living creatures and treat them equally and be kind to them.we should treat all saasthras and sciences equally.
If we behave like this,we are sure to gain all the good benefits in the long run.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Kare slaaghyasthyaagah

Kare slaaghyasthyaagah ,sirasi gurupaadapranayithaa

Mukhe sathyaavaanee,vijayi bhujayo rveerya mathulam,

Hrudi svachchaavruththih sruthamadhigatham cha sravanayo,

Rvinaaapyaisvaryena prakruthi mahathaam mandanamidam!//53//

Great people do not need physical ornaments to adorn them.they do not have golden ornaments,it does not matter. They have so many more prestigeous ornaments.their hands are adorned by donations to the needy and poor.they bow to their teachers and so their head is blessed because it touches the feet of their Guru in submission.their face has a glow which comes by speaking truth all the time.their shoulders are proud with valour which brings victory in times of war.their hearts are clean and clear and are not tainted with greed or ill will.that untainted and plain natureitself is a great boon.their ears are filled with discussions and knowledge about vedas and science and many literary things.
What more ornaments do one need other than these ornaments?

Vipadi dhairya

Vipadi dhairya madhaabhyudaye kshamaa

Sadasi vaakpatuthaa,yudhi vikramah,

Yasasi chaabhirathi rvyasanam sruthou

Prakruthi siddha midam hi mahaathmanaam//52//

In this poem ,poet is explaining the general traits of good natured people.great people have these traits by nature.when troubles come,they are fearless and confident.when they get riches,they show patience.in assembly,they show their capacity to explain by fine speaking.they show their valour in war.they are interested in fame.they are interested in learning vedas,science and earn knowledge.

Sujana paddhathi..vaancha sajjanasangathou

Vaancha sajjana sangathou,paragune preethi rgurou namrathaa,

Vidyaayaam vyasanam ,svayoshithirathi,rlokaapavaadaadbhayam,

Bhakthih soolini,sakthi raathmadamane,samsarga mukthih khalaih,

Rethe yeshu vasanthi nirmalagunaa ,sthebhyonamah kurmahe!//51//

Poet has previously explained durjana paddhathi. Now he is telling us about sujana paddhathi.he is saluting good natured and good charactered people.good people have interest in making friendship with good people.they always love hood traits in others.they are obedient to their teachers.they are interested in learning and knowledge.he is satisfied with his wife and is not interested in other peoples wives. He is afraid of getting ashamed in the public.he is having ample bhakthi and reverence towards God.if at all,he is belittled by others,he would show his talent and calibre.if he realises that he is having friendship with wrong people,he would break that friendship and moves away from bad people.poet is saluting those who have these good traits.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Mruga meena sajjanaanaam

Mrugameena sajjanaanaam thrunajala santhosha vihitha vruththeenaam,

Lubdhaka dheevarisunaa nishkaarana meva vairino jagathi//50//

A trouble some person is an eternal enemy for a good natured manner.no reason is required for that antagonism.to exemplify this fact,poet has used beautiful similies.fish live happily in water. They never harm anyone. But fisherman catch them by hook and kill them.deer live in forests eating grass and tender leaves. They do not harm even a small animal during their entire life time. But ,hunters kill them without even giving a single thought as to why they should kill such meek creatures.similarly,cruel and bad persons create trouble to good natured  people without any reason or cause.

Aarambhagurvee kshayinee

Aarambhagurvee kshayinee kramena laghvee puraavruddhimaithi paschaath,

Dinasya poorvaardha paraardhabhinnaa chaayena maithreekhalasajjanaanaam//49//

Poet is telling how good and bad charactered persons make their friendships.bad persons friendship is like a shadow in the morning which is large and gets shrinking as the time moves on.good peoples friendship is like a shadow formed in the evening,which is small at the beginning and goes on increasing as the time passes.
So,one. Should assess well ,which is apt for you and decide accordingly.


Udbhaasithaakhilakhilasya visrunkhalasya

Prodgaadavismrutha nijaadhama karmavruththeh,

Daivaa davaaptha vibhavasya gunadvishoasya

Neechasya gocharagathaih sukhamaanyathekaih?//48//

It is better not to fall in the eyes of bad charactered persons.it is better not to go near a person who encourages and glorifies bad people.you should keep distance of a person who has no scruples and character.we should be away from those who lived life in acheap manner earlier,but due to grace of God is now in a better position.but just that now he is  well off forgets his past and ill treats good persons. If you go near him,you would never prosper and be happy.it is alwaysbetterif you do not move in his circles and near him.


Mounaanmookah ,pravachanapatu rvaachako jalpako vaa,

Dhrushtah paarsve bhavathi cha vasan,doorathpavya pragalbhah

Kshaanthyaabheeru,ryadi na sahathe praayasonaabhijaathah,

Sevaadharmah paramagahano yoginaamapyagamyah//47//

Poet is trying to convince us that working under a king is a tough task.
While serving kings,every thing will be seen from a different angle.you can never satisfy them in any manner.even Brahma does not know how to please a king.
If a servant is calm and does not speak,they call him dumb.if he speaks nicely,they say he is talkative and is never silent.they would complain that he has loose tongue.if he is near them,they would say that he has no proper respect for them, if you stand aloof,they would say that you are fit for nothing.if you are patient, they would say that you are meek and afraid all the time.if you argue,they would comment that you are not from a good and respectable family.
So,even saints can not work with them and make a king happy and pleasant.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Na kaschichchanda kopaanaa

Na kaschichchanda kopaanaa,maathmeeyo naama bhoobhujaam,

Ho thaaramapi juhvaanam,sprushto dahathi paavakah//46//

Here poet is explaining the traits of a bad and cruel king.

Fire burns every thing.it does not spare any one,even those who help it to burn in the first place.people do yajnaas and yaagaas to appease god of fire and pour ghee and other sacred things to increase burning and glow with hot flames. If we touch it by mistake,it does not spare them also but burns them mercilessly.
Similarly,a ruthless king is angry all the time. They do not have even a single soul who loves them sincerely. Because,even of they are their well wishers, if they do even a slight mistake,that kimg would definitely kill them. He would never spare them on the reason that till then they have helped him immensely.

Sasee divasadhoosaro

Sasee divasadhoosaro,galithayouvanaa kaaminee,

Saro vigatha vaarijam,mukhamanaksharam swaakrutheh,

Prabhu rdhanaparaayanah,sathathadurgathi ssajjano

Nrupaanganagathah khalo ,manasi saptha salyaani me//45//

Poet is of the opinion that a man has seven sharp arrows that sting his heart.he is explaining them in detail.moon is dull and lustreless during the day.a woman past her youth is boring to her lover.a pond devoid of lotus flowers in uninteresting.physically handsome guy ,who has no education attracts
 none.a king who has only one interest,ie earning money and riches can never attain goodwill and love of his people.a good charactered person,if he is poor always,is disgusting to the public.a person who is besides a king and pollutes his mind in taking wrong decisions and disrupts good deeds is never excused.
All these above said people are like arrows  which cause pain to a man.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?pisoonathaa ya dyasthi kim paathakaih?

Sathyam che thapasthaa cha kim?suchi mano ya dyasthi theerdhena kim?

Soujanyam yadi kim balena ? Mahimaa yadyasthi kim mandanaih?

Sadvidyaa yadi kim dhanai? Rapayaso yadyasthikim mruthyunaa?//44//

Poet is telling us the traits of good charactered and bad charactered people.if one is greedy,that itself is enough to bring you bad name to the worst extent.there is no need to have any other bad trait.if one is troublesome and creates ill between two people all the time, no other sin is needed to send him to hell.if you are righteous and treat people with equality it ,in itself is enough to wipe off your other sins. No need to do penance.if you are plain hearted and do not think ill of others and do not harm others,it is enough to bring salvation to you,.you need not go on pilgrimage to religious places for salvation.if you are good at heart,you do not need your family members to complete anywork.others will come to help you.if you are respected by people in society,no other beautification is necessary.if you are well educated,you do not need any other possessions or money.
If you have bad name in society,it is as good as death.so,you need not suffer another death.you are already dead in the eyes of public.so,every one should think well before opting as how they should lead their lives.

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?pisoonathaa ya dyasthi kim paathakaih?

Sathyam che thapasthaa cha kim?suchi mano ya dyasthi theerdhena kim?

Soujanyam yadi kim balena ? Mahimaa yadyasthi kim mandanaih?

Sadvidyaa yadi kim dhanai? Rapayaso yadyasthikim mruthyunaa?//44//

Poet is telling us the traits of good charactered and bad charactered people.if one is greedy,that itself is enough to bring you bad name to the worst extent.there is no need to have any other bad trait.if one is troublesome and creates ill between two people all the time, no other sin is needed to send him to hell.if you are righteous and treat people with equality it ,in itself is enough to wipe off your other sins. No need to do penance.if you are plain hearted and do not think ill of others and do not harm others,it is enough to bring salvation to you,.you need not go on pilgrimage to religious places for salvation.if you are good at heart,you do not need your family members to complete anywork.others will come to help you.if you are respected by people in society,no other beautification is necessary.if you are well educated,you do not need any other possessions or money.
If you have bad name in society,it is as good as death.so,you need not suffer another death.you are already dead in the eyes of public.so,every one should think well before opting as how they should lead their lives.

Friday 12 September 2014

Jaadyam hreemathi ganyathe

Jaadyam hreemathi ganyathe vrathasuchou dambhah suchoukaithavam Soore nirghrunathaa munou vimathithaa dainyam priyaalaapini, Thejasvinyavali pthathaa mukharathaa vakthavyasakthisdhire Thathkonaamaguno bhavethsaguninaam yo durjanairnaankithah//43// Bad charactered person blames every one in this world,whether it is called for or not ,whether it is apt or not. He accuses good natured people irrelavently.he accuses a shy person as a mentally retarded one.he blames a yogi as an extravagant.he makes fun of a decent follower of good faith as pompous man.he blames a valiant person as ruthless fellow.he accuses a gnaani as dull headed person.he makes fun of a reasonable and nicely talking person as a pathetic person.he blames a famous person with aura as a proud person.he accuses a person who is a good at speaking in meetings as a talkative person ,blabbing all the time. Like this a bad person accuses every one and finds faults in every person,whether he is right or not.

Durjanahm pariharthavyo

Durjanah pariharthavyo vidyavyo vidyayaaalankruthoapi san, Maninaa bhooshithassarpah ki masou nabhayankarah?//42// We should not make friendship with wrong persons even if they are scholars and highly qualified people.snake has a diamond on its head. But because it is poisonousa nd vicious. We stay away from it.it is the most reasonable and safe thing to do. Similarly,even if a bad charactered person is highly qualified and a genius,we should never go near him.we should stay away from him.

Durjana paddhathi..akarunathvamakaaranam

Akarunathvamakaaranam vigrahah paradhane parayoshithi cha spruhaa, Sujanabqndhu janeshva sahishnuthaa prakruth siddhamidam hi duraathmanaam//41// Poet hasreviously told us about ardha paddhathi. Now,he is warning us not to move with bad people,even if they are financially sound.bad charactered people have these traits.they are not kind hearted. They have no scruples.they start fighting without any reason or rhyme.they are more interested in other peoples money and women.they have no patience with good natured people and close relations.this is the nature of bad charactered people.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Yaddhaathraa phaalapattalikhitham

Yaddhaathraa phaalapattalikhitham soktham mahadvaadhanam

Thathpraapnothi marusdhaleapi nitharaam merou cha naa thoadhikam,

Thaddheero bhava viththa vathsu krupanaam vruththim vrudhaa maa krudhaah

Koope pasya payo nidhaavapi ghato gruhnaathi thulyam jalam//40//

A amn gets what is reserved to him by God. He gets neither short nor more. Every one should understand this. Even when you are in a desert land,if you are destined to get some money,you would definitely get it. You can not get  a single paisa more even if you go and stand up on a hill or on fertile land.so,be composed. Do not be jealous of the rich and look at them meekly for help doing wasteful deeds.
Let us take an example of a pot. It collects certain amount of water when we put it in the well .it does not collect even a single drop more even when you dip it in the sea where there is ample water. So,you should realise your limitations and understand your fate.
Ardha padhdhathi in this neethi sathakam is complete.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Aajnaakeerthih paalanam

aajnaakeerthih paalanam braahmanaanaam

Daanam bhogo miththra samrakshanam cha,

Yeshaamethe shadgunaa na pravruthaah

Koardhistheshaam paardivopaasrayena?//39//

If we have to seek protection and help we should go to a good charactered king but not to a characterless and cruel king.
There is no use in seeking help and asking protection from a king who has no character. If that king does not punish the wronged ones,he is useless.if he does not have good name and goodwill of the people of his country,he is of no use to anyone.
That king should protect Brahmins.he should give moral and monetary help to the poor and needy.he should know how to lead and enjoy his life.he should protect his friends.he should be strict with anti social elements and punish them. If a king can not do all these six things,it is an utter waste to serve him and be in his protection.

Sathyaaanruthaa cha

Sathyaaanruthaa cha parushaa priyabhaashineecha

Himsraa dayaalurapi chaardhaparaa vadaanyaa,

Nithyavyayaa prachuranithyadhanaakamaa cha

Vaaraanganeva nrupaneethirinekareethih//38//

Raajaneethi or politics is of many ways.politics is sometimes appropriate and  in right direction.in some other places it is full of wrong doings.it is harsh at one place.it is endearing in some other place.it hurts you at one place.politics is kind to you at some other tome and place.it is greedy at one place. It helps the needy and poor at some other place.you have to spend and invest for politics at one place.in other places and times it is fetching and a money earner.simply,it is like a prostitute,who changes her behaviour according to the situation and timing.in other words,it is like a chamelion,who changes its color according to its surroundings.

Raajan dudhukshasi

Raajan dudhukshasi yadi kshithidhenumethaam

Thenaadya vathsamiva lokamamum pushaana,

Thasminscha samyaganisam paripushyamaane

Naanaaphalathi kalpalatheva bhoomi//37//

Poet is telling kings ways to increase their wealth and treasures.o king!if you want to extract money from Earth,which is like a cow,you have to treat people like we treat the calf  with affection.if your behaviour towards the people is good and affectionate,this land gives whatever fruits you want from it like Kalpavalli ie tree which gives whatever fruits you want on mere asking.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Pareekshinah kaschith

Pareekshinah kaschith spruhayathi yavaanaam prasruthaye

Sa paschaathsampoornah kalayathi dharithreem thanasamaam,

Athaschaanekaanthaa gurulaghuthayaaardheshu dhaninaa

Masdhaa vasthooni pradhayathi cha sankochayathi cha//36//

The importance we give to an object or an issue depends on our financial status.that is definite according to the poet.we grope for hand full of rice when we are starving.but afterwards,when we become rich,we treat the entire universe as cheap as straw.so according to the existing times things will appear dear or useless and trivial. and vice versa.things which appear to be useless at one time,become dear and respectable afterwards when we are in dire need of it.that is peoples nature.


Manissaanolleedah samaravijayee hethidalitho

Madaksheeno naagah saradi saridaasyaanapulinaa,

Kalaaseshaschandrah surathamrudithaa baalavanithaa

Thanimnaa sobhanthe galithavibhavaaschaardhishu naraah//35//

Poet says that even if by giving ones wealth to the poor and needy,a person becomes poor,it is a matter of prestige to him.in this connection,he gives few examples .when a raw diamond is cut and polished ,it glows with extra lustre.a warrior,though his body is filled with wounds caused by swords or arrows,shines with valour and aura.an elephant is elegant even if it loses some extra fat on its body.in winter,rivers shrink and sand dunes are formed on the banks of these rivers.even those dunes with lean river waters is beautiful on full moon days in winter.moon is beautiful to look at even one day before amaavasya,when a thin silky silver line is the form of a sickleis visible to the beholders eyes.a young girl or woman still looks beautiful and enchanting,eve after she is tired from love play.similarly,kings who give away their riches to the needy and poor and for good causes are glowing with special aura even after losing their entire treasures and wealth.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Daanam bhogo naasa

Daanam bhogo naasa,sthipro gathayo bhavanthi viththasya,

Yanna dadaathi na bhunkthe thasya thrutheeyaa gathirbhavathi//34//

Poet is of the opinion that money has three traits. They are like this.money is to be utilised to give to the needy and for good causes. Next one is that one should use it for himself in day to day life. If one does not do either of these two, third option is that money will not stay with you. It would be taken away by thieves and others.
So we should not be kanjoos. We should utilise our money freely with a open mind either for ourselves or for good causes.

Dour manthryaannrupathi

Dourmanthryaannrupathi rvinasyathi,yathi ssanga ,thsutho laalanaa

Dviproadhyayanaa,thkulam kuthanayaa,chcheelam khalopaasanaath,

Hreermadyaa,danavekshanaa dapi krushih,snehah pravaasaasrayaa,

Nmaithree chaapranayaa,thsamruddhi ranayaa,ththyaagaathpramaadaaddhanam//33//

Poet is telling us how one loses money or wealth.king is affected badly when his minister is not of good traits. He is a crooked and vicious person.sage is spoiled by sexual intercourse because lust,anger and other bad emotions arise from it.a bad minister makes a king give wrong decisions goad him into punishing the innocent and those who do not do any wrong.a son is spoiled by pampering by parents. He does not know what is right and what is wrong.he is under the impression that whatever he does is right.a good brahmin is spoiled by not learning vedas.dynasty  goes to dogs if we give birth to a bad and immoral son.if we serve bad and cruel people,good habits and good life style will be lost.if we start drinking alcohol,we are not ashamed of our deeds.if we do not check and supervise regularly,our crops  and farming will be at a loss.we lose friends,if we are on the run to outside countries often.friendship will not survive if there is no love and affection in that bondage.if we have no scruples and devoid of character,our wealth diminishes.giving money to the needy and for a good cause is great. But parting with money to the wrong cause and to the unworthy people results in loss of our wealth.

Monday 25 August 2014

Yasyaapthi viththam na narah kuleenah ,sa panditha,ssa sruthavaan gunajnah,

Yasyaapthiviththam na narah kuleenah,sa panditha,ssa sruthavaan gunajnah,

Na yeva vakthaa,ma cha darsaneeyah sarve gu aah kaanchana maasrayanthi//32//
Poet is of the opinion thata mans character is assessed on the value of gold he possesses and nothing else matters.
This world is mostly materialistic.people are of the opinion that a rich person is of  elite family.they feel that he is well versed and a scientist.he fully well knows the difference between the right and wrong.they feel that a rich person has the knack and ability to speak nicely.they feel that he is attractive and a beautiful person.
If a  man has wealth,even if he does not have all the above said characters and traits,people feel that he has all these good qualities.

Ardha padhdhathi..jaathiryaathu rasaathalam

Jaathiryaathu rasaathalam gunaganasthathraapyadhogachchathaath

Seelam saithadataathpathathvabhijanassandahyathaam vahninaa,

Souryevairini vajramaasu nipathuthvardhoasthu nah kevalam

Yenaikena vinaa gunaathtunalavapraayaassamasthaa ime//31//

Poet has told in detail the maanasourya paddhathi. He is now telling us the traits of people who give much importance to wealth and who do not have character and valor.
People who are materialistic and give much importance to wealth care for nothing else except their own riches.even if the entire humanity goes underground they do not vascillate.even if the good trais and character goes still downwards, they are stable.even if our virtue goes down from a hill,they do not sway.even if their dynasty goes to dogs or engulfed in fire,they are not affected.when thunderbolt strikes at ones valor,they do not waver.if they have and wealth,it is more than enough for them.if they do not have riches,but have all these above said good qualities they do not weigh even a grass particle to them.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Simhah sisurapi nipathathi madamaina kola bhiththishu gajeshu

Simhah sisurapi nipathathi madamalina kapola bhiththishu gajeshu,

Prakruthiriyam saththvathaam na khalu vayasthejasaamhethuh//30//

In this poem poet is of the opinion that valiant persons show their valour irrespective of their age,whether young or old.lion ,even from the age when it is a cub prefers to strike at the elephant who has fatty cheeks like that of a sturdy wall.this is the character of strong people.to show ones valour,age is not a criterion at all.

Yadachethanoapi paadaih

Yadachethanoapi paadaih sprushtah prajvalathi savirunikaanthah

Thathejasvee purushah parakruthanikruthim kadham sahathe?//29//

In this sloka poet is confirming that great people do not bear or accept others who belittle them.soorya kaanthamani,precious stone which lights up t o the suns rays,does not calmly bear whne the suns feet in the form of rays touches it. It burns bright with anger. Sooryakaanthamani has no life.even then it does not accept mutely when others humiliate it.
Similarly great souls do not keep quiet or accede when others humiliate them or belittle them.

Varam praanochchedah

Varam praanochchedah samadamagha vanmukthakulisa

Prahaarairudgachchad bahuladahanodgaara gurubhih,

Thushaaraadreh soonorahaha! Pithari klesavivase

Na chaasou sampaathah payasi payasaam pathyuruchithah//28//

Writer is telling in this poem that who ever has self respect and valour alone is a great man.in this connection ,he is giving us the example of Mainaakudu.
Mainaakudu is the son of Himavanthudu,ie snow mountain.when Vajraayudham of Indra comesa t him emitting fire and embers,it is better for Mainaakudu to die respectably by vajraayudham than hide in the sea who is the master of water,while his father is lying fainted due to the severe blows of Vajraayudham.
It is not justifiable also if Mainaakudu hides in the sea leaving his father in such a pathetic condition.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Vahathi bhuvanasrenim

Vahathi bhuvanasrenim seshah phanahalakasdhithaam Kamatapathinaa madhyeprushtam sadaa sacha dhaaryathe, Thamapi kuruthe krodaadheenam payodhiranaadaraa Dahaha!mahathaam nisseemaanascharithra vibhoothayah//27// One can not describe or limit great peoples acts. They are multi fold.Aadiseshudu is bearing the brunt of fourteen worlds on his thousand heads.Aadikoormamoorthi is bearing him on his back .pralayakaala samudrudu is helping aadikoormamu to be in the control of Aadivaraahamoorthy.so,this saaga of greatnessof greatpeople goes on.you can never bind them in a closed setting.

Santhyanyeapi bruhaspathi prabhruthayassambhaavithaah

Santhyanyei bruhaspathi prabhruthayassambhaavithaah panchashaa Sthaanprathyesha viseshavikramaruchee raahurnavairaayathe, Dvaaveva grasathe divaakaranisaapraaneswaraa bhaasvarou Bhraathah parvani pasya daanavapathisseershaavaseshaakruthih//26// Great people undertake great deeds only,even though their strength and resources are depleting and in a low ebb.there are great planets like Bruhaspathi,Sukrudu,Sani,Angaarakudu,Budhudu and many others.but people who have love for their character and valour does not satisfy with the lesser kind,whether in love or in war. Let us take the example of Rahuvu. Though he is beheaded,he gulps down Sun and Moon resulting in solar eclipse and lunar eclipse eternally on amaavaasya and on full moon day.

Tuesday 19 August 2014


Kusumasthabakasyeva dvayee vruththirmanasvinah, Moordhni vaa sarvalokasya seeryathevana yeva vaa//25// In this poem,poet is telling about the character of a great man who has character and valor.a great person has two options to lead his life.like a flower bouquey,his life is great and every one bows before him and keep him high in their minds.if it is not so,they prefer to live in woods anonymously.there is no third option for them. They either become famous or lead a discarded life in the woods known to none.

Parivarthini samsaare

Parivarthini samsaare mruthah ko vaa na jaayathe Sa jaatho yena jaathena yaathi vamsassamunnathim//24// Life and death are a circle which goes on round and round all the time.we are born. We die.and again we take life and die again.it is an unending process.every human being who isborn is destined to die one day. There is no escape for any one in this matter. But dynasties or vamsa become popular by one particular person in that dynasty. He becomes famous and great. He would bring laurels to his parents his dynasty his home and his country.that person is worthy of living. His life is fulfilled and marksa niche in the pages of history. Poet strongly feels that who ever has character and valour ,alone is a successful man . That person brings to fame his dynasty and his parents definitely.

Monday 18 August 2014

Laangila chaalanamadhah

Laangilachaalanamadhascharanaavaghaatham Bhoomou nipathyavadano daradarsanam cha, Swaa pindadasya kuruthe gajapungavasthu Dheeram vilokayathi chaatusathaischa bhunkthe//23// Here,the poet is telling us the difference between behaviour of a common man and a great man.dog wails its tail before a man who give it food.it scratches the earth with its foot nails. It falls on the ground on its back and shows its mouth and stomach and riggles.a dog does all these things to its master. In the case of an elephant ,we observe that it stands up right and looks at its master with confidence oozing fromevery pore of its body.its master handles it with care and affection. He gives it food,telling nice words. We can easily note the difference between the behaviours of both these animals. While common dog pleads and stoops down for its food and shows its gratefulness towards its master,regal and elegant elephant is treated with due respect and affection by its master. An elephant never stoops down for its food.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Swalpasnaayuvasaavase kamalinam

Swalpasnaayuvasaavasekamalinam nirmaamsamapyasdhigoh Swaa labdhvaa paruthoshamathi na chathaththasya kshudhaasaanthaye, Simho jambukamanka maagathamapi thyakthyaa nihanthi dvipam Sarvah kruchchagathoapi vaanchathi janah saththvaanuroam phalam//22// Writer is of the opinion that each and everyonee xpect things in life according to their calibre and capacity. They expect nothing less nor nothing more. Dog relishes lean nerved,dirty with few scratches of fat and fleshy bone of an ox. It holds it in its mouth and runs away ,happy that it got something to eat even though it does not fulfill its hunger.while we see a lion which is nonplussed even though,foxes and jackals move before it.it does not care to kill them and eat. It is more interested in searching and finding an elephant and killing it to appease its hunger. Similarly,even men expect things according to their efficiency and calibre even in their hard times. They do not settle for neither high nor low.

Kshuthshaamoapi jaraakrusopi

Kshuthshaamoapi jaraakrusoapi sidhilapraayoapi kashtaam dasaa Maapannoapi vipanna deedhithirasi praaneshu nasyathsvapi, Maththebhendra vibhinna kumbhapisithagraasaikabaddha spruhah Kim jeernam thrunamanthi maanamahathaagresarah kesareeh//21// Lion is interested in lounging at elephants forehead and killing it. It is intereested in eating that flesh only. This nature shows its valour.lion is the number one animal in having self respect and character.though it is weak with hunger,becomes dull with old age,though its bones and joints become hopeless with fatigue,though desperate and lost its glow and health and even if it is on the verge of death,it never opts for grass.it preferably opts for death than appease its hunger with grass. Writer has opted Maanasourya paddhathi,because in his view,every one needs his self respect and valour at one time or other in ones life time.

Friday 15 August 2014

Jayanthi the sukruthino

Jayanthi the sukruthino rasasiddhaah kaveeswaraah Asthi theshaam yasah kaaye jaraamaranam bhayam//20// Writer is of the opinion that great scholars and writers,though dead are still alive through their writings.great writers,who write every emotion according to the situation are really very great.their fame has no death. They are like yogis or sages who have conquered life and death through their famous writings. They shine like stars in the sky for ever.

Jaadyam dhiyo harathi

Jaadyam dhiyo harathi sinchathi vaachi sathyam Maanonnathim disathi paapa mapaakarothi, Chethah prasaadayathi dikshu thanothi keerthim Sathsangathih kadhaya kim na karothi pumsaam//19// Making friendship with the correct person is very essential.it takes away your dullness of the mind.it makes you speak the truth always.it gives you respect in the society.it helps you in washing away your sins.it helps you in having a clear consciense.it makes you famous in all the four directions.why speak in so many words? The good a good friendship does is immense. There is nothing in this world which a good friendship can not give you.

Monday 28 July 2014

Daakshinyam swajane dayaa parijane

Daakshinyam swajane dayaa parijane saatyam sadaa durjane Preethih saadhujanenayo nrupajane chaarjavam, Sowryam sathrujane kshamaa gurujane kaanthaa jane dhrushtathaa Ye chaivam purushaah kalaasu kusalaastheshyeva loka sdhithih//18// Writers impression is that this universe is surviving just because of the good deeds done by knowledgeable people.Good people treat their kith and kin as per their nature and see that others are comfortable in their presence.They show pity and kindness towards their workers.They are strict towards those who are in the wrong and who are wicked.They are affectionate towards good people.They are respectful towards king and follow them.They are docile and obedient towards great and well versed people.They show their valor towards an enemy.They are patient in learning things from a teacher. They are strong and consistent towards women. persons who are well versed in above attributes and follows the above said behaviour alone are the one who pave the way for a healthy and strong society.

Friday 25 July 2014


Kshaanthischethkavachena kim kimaribhih krodhoasthi cheddehinaam Jnaathischedana lena kim yadi suhruddivyoushadhaih kim phalam, Kim sarpairyadi durjanaah kimu dhanairvidyaaanavadyaa yadi Vreedaa chethkimu bhooshanaissukavithaa yadyasthi raajyena kim//17// If you have patience,there is no need for you to have any armature or shield to protect you.Practically,you have no use for it.If you have anger there is no necessity for out side enemies. Your ill temper is your permanent enemy.If you have cousins fighting for rights or money,there is no need for fire to engulf you. They will destroy you.If you have a good ,well wishing friend,there is no need for any life saving drug. They very thought that there is some one who wishes for your welfare is enough to liven you up from any distress or disease.If there are wicked and vicious people in your life,there is no need for any snakes. They are enough to poison your mind and body.If you have good education and good knowledge,there is no necessity for money. Your knowledge and education would pave the way for your prosperity.If you have a good and nice literary piece of work or poetry, where is the need for any kingdom? It is such atreasure that even a kings treasures pale before it.

Monday 21 July 2014

Vidyaa naama narasya

Vidyaa naama narasya roopa amdhikam prachchanna guptham dhanam Vidyaa bhogakaree yasassukhakaree vidyaa guroonaam guruh, Vidyaa bandhujano videsagamane vidyaa paraadevathaa Vidyaa raajasu poojyathe nahee dhanam vidyaa viheenah pasuh//16// Education is a very important aspect in every ones life.An illiterate person is as good as an animal.To a man, education is every thing. It is the body.It is the beauty. It is a treasure.Education gives you access to all the pleasures and fame.Education will teach you every thing like a teacher.In foreign countries,your education is your friend.It helps you like a friend and close relation.Kings praise and recognise only your knowledge gained by proper education.Money and riches are not like that.So,a man who has no education is like an animal.

Keyooraani na bhooshayanthi

Keyooraani na bhooshayanthi purusham haaraana chandrojjwalaa Na snaanam na vilepanam na kusumam naalankruthaa moordhajaah Vanyekaa samalankarothi purusham yaa samskruthaa dhaaryathe Ksheeyanthe akhilabhaashanaani sathatham vaagbhooshanam bhooshanam//15// Education is the only adornment a man can have and it is the best.To a person, shoulder ornaments,different types of necklaces, chains and ornaments,doing bath with scented water, applying sandal paste,having flowers over him,having stylish hair styles...are nothing .They do not give him a glow or enhance his beauty.one only thing which enhances ones beauty is his ability to speak correctly and in a polished manner.His knowledge should ooze in his speeches.all the golden ornaments and physical attributes would be lost. The only ornament that is never lost is the ability to speak correctly in a manner that does not hurt or humiliate others,or make the others feel inferior.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Ambhojinee vanavihaara

Ambhojinee vanavihaara vilaasameva Hamsasya hanthunirtharaam kupitho vidhaathaa Na thvasya dugdhajala bheda vidhou prasiddhaam Vaidagdhya keerthi manaharthumasou samardhah//14// It is easy for a king to send a pundit out of his assembly. But he can not deprive him of his knowledge.For example,let us consider the case of swan. Swan has the ability to separate water from milk. Brahma ,when in anger, might ward off the swans from roaming in the lotus ponds.But he can not take away their ability to separate milk and waterand hand it over to other birds. It is as simple as that.

Friday 18 July 2014

Parigatha paramaardhaan pandithaan maaavamamsdhaa

Parigatha paramaardhaan pandithaan maaavamamsdhaa Sthrunamiva laghu lakshmeernaiva thaansamrunaddhi, Abhinavamada rekhaasyaama gandasdhalaanaam Na bhavathi bisathanthutvaaranam vaaranaanaam//13// Hey king!never ever make fun of of ill treat a well versed ,well knowledgeable man.You might be thinking that seeing your riches,power and position,they would tolerate you. But in actual fact,they do not give even a dime for your physical attributes.Do you think it is ever possible to bind a huge elephant which has large tusks and a large mouth with fibres from lotus strands?

Thursday 17 July 2014

Harthuryaathi na gocharam

Harthuryaathi na gocharam kimapi sam pushnaathi yathsarvadaa Pyardhibhyah prathipaadyamaanamanisam praapnothi vruddhim paraam, Kalpantheshvapi na prayaathi nidhanam vidyaakhya manthardanam Yeshaam thaanprathi maanamunghatha nrupaah kasthaissaha spardhathe//12// Writer is under the impression that compared to rich people,knowledgeable and well versed pundits have the right to be well received and respected by the kings.He has his own reasons for arriving at this decision.No one can snatch treasure of knowledge.Money may harm you at times.It does not always bring you happiness. But knowledge brings you satisfaction and happiness all the time. Money depletes if you donate or give it to others. But this knowledge improves and maximises if you start teaching it to others when they ask for it.It is not destroyed even when the world is destroyed.When compared to this vast treasure of knowledge,the mere treasures of rich are meager. So,kings ,who have normal treasures are much more common and less valuable when compared to knowlegeable people.Kings should respect them because they can not stand against these pundits in knowledge.

Tuesday 15 July 2014


Saasthropaskrutha sabda sundaragirah sishyapradeyaagamaa Vikhyaathaah kavayovasanthi vishaye yasya prabhornardhanaah, Thajjaadyam vasudhaadhipasya sudhiya sthvardham vinaaapeeswaraah Kuthsyaah syuh kuoareekshakairma manayo yairarghathah paathithaah//11// Writer is utilising Vidvathpadhdhathi from this poem.If at all,any pandit or well versed person ,who can teach his students beautifully and in a manner that is easy for the students to grasp is experiencing poverty and ill will under any king,it proves that such a king illiterate person. He does not the importance of education and knowledge.It is as if a man who sells quality and costly diamonds for a meager amount does not prove that the diamonds are worthless. It proves the ignorance of the seller in assessing the cost and value of the diamonds.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Sakyovaarayithum jalena

Sakyovaarayithum jalena hutha bhukchathrena sooryaathapo Naagendro nisithaanka sena samado dandena gourgardabhah, Vyaadhi rbheshajanangrahaischa vividhairmasthra prayogairvisham Sarvasyoushadhamasthi saasthravihitham moorkhasya naasthyoushadham//10// There is no rule or rhyme in this world to make a fool a reasonable man.If there is flame ,water is used to put out the flames.If it is hot on a sunny day, we have an umbrella for protection.To control an unruly elephant we have a sharp object ,ankusam ,to bring it under control.To gain control over animals like oxen and donkeys ,we can use sticks. By beating them with canes,we can control them.For different diseases,there are various medicines. If any one is poisoned,there are so many manthras to bring out that poison and save the person.So,there is a way out for every thing in this world. But ,there is no escape or remedy to make a fool ,a normal man.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Sirassaarvam swargaathpasupathisirasthah

Sirassaarvam swargaathpasupathisirasthah kshithidharam Maheedhraaduththunga dapanimavaneschaapi jaladhim, Adhogangaseyam padamupagathaa sthoka madhavaa Viveka brashtaanaam bhavathi vinipaathah sathamukhah//9// Once down fall starts ,no one can deviate it.You do not even know,where your fate leads you into. To explain this,the writer has taken the example of River Ganga.When Ganga started from heaven,she was proud. She wanted show her power and strength to Lord Shiva.She came down with so much force.She wanted to show off her speed and power. But when she fell on to the head of Shiva he locked her in locks of hair. She had to struggle and plead to be released. Once she was freedfrom his locks,She flew down to Himalayas,from there on to the earth,from earth to the ocean.and finally from from ocean to the underground. Once you are displaced from a high position, you have to face so many hardships and downfalls in life.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Krimikulachitham laalaaklinnam vigandhi jugupsitham

Krimikulachitham laalaaklinnam vigandhi jugupsitham Nirupamarasa preethyaa khaada nkharaasdhi niraamisham, Surapathi mapi swaapaarsvasdham vilokya na sankathe Nahi ganayathi kshudrojanthuh parigraha phalguthaam//8// Cheap fellows are never ashamed of their actions.For example,let us consider a dog. It eats donkeys bone which has no flesh on it but is full of flies and worms,wet with saliva,releasing bad odor and we feel like vomiting,if we see it.It relishes in eating it. It does not observe even if Lord Indra comes from heaven and stands beside it.It is not ashamed of its act and what it it has acquired.It does not care practically.


Yadaakinchidjnoaham gaja iva madaandhah samabhavam Thadaa sarvajnoasmeethya bhavadava liptham mama manah, Yadaa kinchithkinchidbhudhajana sakaasaadavagathah Thadaa moorkhoasmeethi jvara iva mado me vyavagathah//7// We are adamant and proud when we are ignorant.When we acquire knowledge,we become polite and lose our head strong nature.When the writer knew very little,he was reckless and proud like an elephant.He was under the impression,that he knew every thing.But ,later when he learnt from elders and acquired knowledge,he slowly understood the fact that actually he was an ignorant fool and actually knew nothing.The realisation was as if his fever has subsided and had huge relief. He was devoid of arrogance and became calm and composed.

Swaayaththamekaantha hitham

Swaayaththamekaantha hitham vidhaathraa Vinirmitham chaadana majnathaayaah Viseshathah sarvavidaam samaajeh Vibhooshanam mounamapandithaanaam//6// Brahma is a very clever man.He created silence and keeping quiet. Ignorant persons have this weapon given to them by Brahma so that they can cover their ignorance in meetings with intelligent and well versed people.Maintaining silence is an art and an asset to them.

Monday 30 June 2014

Vyaalam baalamrunaalathanthubhirasou roddum samujjrubhathe

Vyaalam baalamrunaalathanthubhirasou roddum samujjrumbhathe Bheththum vajramanim sireeshakusumapraanthena sannahyathi, Maadhuryam madhubindunaa rachayithum kshaaraambudhereehathe Moorkhaanyah prathinethumichchathi balaathsookthaih sudhaasmandibhih//5// The very thought that we can convince and make a fool see reason ,is in itself so absurd and improbable.Can anyone succeed in tying an elephant with lotus strands?How does it look if a person is trying to cut a diamond with a dry flower?How foolish would it look if a person was trying to make salt water sweet by putting a drop of honey in the ocean?A person trying to make a fool see reason also comes under the same category as above mentioned persons.

Labhetha sikathaasu thailamapi

Labhetha sikathaasu thailamapi yathnathah peedayan Pibechcha mrugathrushnaikaasu salilam pipaasaardithah, Kadaachidapi paryatan sasavishaanamaasaadaye Nnathu prathinivisgtamoorkhajanacha chiththamaaraadayeth//4// If you are confident enough ,you are sure to extract oil from sand.When you are thirsty,you might get water to drink even in deserts.rabbit has no horns.But on searching you may be lucky enough to come across a rabbit with horns and might bring it home. all these improbabilities are possible,but it is impossible to make an adamant ignorant fool to see reason.

Sunday 29 June 2014

moorkha paddhathi...bodhaaro

Boddhaaro mathsaragrasthaah prabhavah smayadooshithaah Abodhopahathaaschaanye jeerna manga subhaashitham//2// Those who have knowledge are jealous. Kings and rulers are proud.Common man does not have the intelligence to hear and learn what is right. so,whatever good things I want to tell are imprisoned within me. THey are not coming out.It is rare to find people accept and acknowledge if a good thing is told them. Angah maaraadhyassukhathara maaraadhyathe viseshajnah Jnaanalavadurvidgam brahmaapi naram sa ranjayathi//3// We can convince people,who do not know anything. We can also make people see reason and rhyme ,who have knowledge. But it is very difficult to make them see reason,who neither know fully nor are fully ignorant of the facts.by trying we can remove a pearl embedded in the jaws of a crocodile.We can cross a ocean even when it is turbulent and with high waves.We can even adorn a hissing snake as a garland.But we can never make a head strong ignorant person see reason.

mangalaa charanamu

Dikkaalaadyanavachchinnaantha chinmaathramoorthaye, Swaanubhoothyeka maanaaya namah saanthaaya thejase//1// Swabodhenaanyabodhechchaa bodharoopathayaathmanah , Na deepasyaanyadeepechchaa yadhaa swaathmaprakaasane,ithi. Omkaaraschaadhasabdascha dvaavethou brahmanah puraa, Kandam bhiththvaa viniryaathouh thena maangalikaavubhou// Panchamam laghu sarveshu ,sapthamam dvichathurdayoh Gurushatkam sarveshaa,methachchlo kasya lakshanam,ithi vachanathaa. desa kaalaalatho parimithi lekundaa.jnaana swaroopamayinatti anubhavamu chethane thelusukodagina,saanthamayina,jyothi swaroopamayina parabrahmaku namaskaaramu.

neethi sathakamu...vyaakhyaana peetika

Vandeaham raghuvandanaangha saraseejaathadvayee madvayaa Mandaanandarandabindulaharee sandohanishyandineem, Yathrendindirajaathavammani manobrundam kruthasvaasrayam Kaanchaththundilathaamanindatha paraanandaavabodhodayaath// Sreemaam sthyai lingadese sa jayathi vibudhasreni koteerakotee Koteemaanikya bhoothaaganitha gunaganoakhanda paandithya soundah Dheerah saandilya gothrah sakalakavikulaahlaadi sookthipraveeno Veenodaahaarya vidyaavivarana nipuno raamachandro budhendra// Vedaanthodantha chinthaamathanutha chathurenaakutharkam Tharkam chaatharka yadyah shanipathivachasaam saaramaadaththa yoge, Yogeyah sankhyaagama samaya vidhaavapyalam thasthravidyaa Vid yo yaaminyadheesah sphurathi nirupamo vanchaavamnsaamburaasou// Viprenaa bhoothaapoorvam shalamadhithapasaam lambi sooryaprasaadaa llabdhvaa thasmaath svayam thath prachuratharajaraapanchathaa kunchanaadyam, Hithvaamoham svakthaanthaasvathi vimaladhiyaa tham nishevyaaththabhavyo Yogeendro bharthruharyaahvaaya iha kurutheadhyaapi vidyaavilaasam// Soahamethathpraneethaayaah subhaashithakrutheh kruthee, Kurvesahrudayaanandinyaakhyaam vyaakhyaam sathaam mude// Vyaakurvanthi nibaddha gourava bhayaannaiva sphutam yukthibhi Ryetheadhyethrujana prathaaranaparaah kaanaipunee vaa thathah? Vaikharyaa vachasaam kaveesa hrudayam prakhyaapayannanvaya Dvaaraivaahamihaakhilam pravivruno myukthi prajojjrumbhitham//


Bhathruhari subhaashithaalu chaalaa famous. avi modatlo Sanskrit lo rachinchaaru. tharuvaatha Telugu lo koodaa kontha mandi kavulu raasaaru. Ee subhaashithaalu moodu sathakaalu gaa vibhajinchabadi vunnaayi. Avi Neethisathakamu,Srungaara sathakamu,mariyu Vairagya sathakamu. Neethisathakam lo Moorkha paddhathi,Vidvathpaddhathi,Mounasouryapaddhathi,Ardha paddhathi,Durjana paddhathi,Sujana paddhathi,paropakaara paddhathi,Dhairya paddhathi,daiva paddhathi,mariyu Karma paddhathi vunnaayi. Srungaara sathakam lo Sthree prasamsa,sambhoga varnanamu,Vakshadvama viroopanamu,Kaaminee garhanamu,Suviraktha paddhathi,Durviraktha paddhathi,ruthu varnana paddhathi vunnaayi. Vairagya sathakam lo thrushnaadooshanamu,Vishaya parithyaaga vidambanamu,yanchaadainya dooshanamu,bhogaasdhairya varnanamu,kaalamahimaanuvarnanamu,yathinrupathi samvaada varnanamu,manassambodhana niyamanamu, nithyaanithya vasthu vichaaramu,sivaarchanamu,avadhootha charya vunnaayi.