Thursday 16 October 2014

daiva paddhathi..nethaa asya bruhaspathi

nethaa asya bruhaspathi .prahakanam vajram ,suraah sainikaah, swargodurga,manugrahah khalu hare,rairaavano vaaranah, ithyaascharya jalaanvithoapi balabhi dbhagnah paraih sangare, thadvyaktham nanu daivameva saranam dhig vrudhaa pourusham//81// in this Daiva paddhathi,poet is telling us that god is more stronger than courage and this context,he is giving us the example of Indra,king of dietiees.Indra has Bruhaspathi as his teacher.he has vajram ie diamond as his weapon ie vajraayudham.His entire army comprises of deities.heaven is his fort.he has the blessings of Vishnu.he alights Airaavatham,unique elephant.having so many powers,we feel Indra can never be defeated by any one. But,he too is defeated by enemies in war. so,for every thing in life,daivabalam is more important than valou or courage.

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