Wednesday 3 September 2014

Aajnaakeerthih paalanam

aajnaakeerthih paalanam braahmanaanaam

Daanam bhogo miththra samrakshanam cha,

Yeshaamethe shadgunaa na pravruthaah

Koardhistheshaam paardivopaasrayena?//39//

If we have to seek protection and help we should go to a good charactered king but not to a characterless and cruel king.
There is no use in seeking help and asking protection from a king who has no character. If that king does not punish the wronged ones,he is useless.if he does not have good name and goodwill of the people of his country,he is of no use to anyone.
That king should protect Brahmins.he should give moral and monetary help to the poor and needy.he should know how to lead and enjoy his life.he should protect his friends.he should be strict with anti social elements and punish them. If a king can not do all these six things,it is an utter waste to serve him and be in his protection.

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