Saturday 13 September 2014

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?pisoonathaa ya dyasthi kim paathakaih?

Sathyam che thapasthaa cha kim?suchi mano ya dyasthi theerdhena kim?

Soujanyam yadi kim balena ? Mahimaa yadyasthi kim mandanaih?

Sadvidyaa yadi kim dhanai? Rapayaso yadyasthikim mruthyunaa?//44//

Poet is telling us the traits of good charactered and bad charactered people.if one is greedy,that itself is enough to bring you bad name to the worst extent.there is no need to have any other bad trait.if one is troublesome and creates ill between two people all the time, no other sin is needed to send him to hell.if you are righteous and treat people with equality it ,in itself is enough to wipe off your other sins. No need to do penance.if you are plain hearted and do not think ill of others and do not harm others,it is enough to bring salvation to you,.you need not go on pilgrimage to religious places for salvation.if you are good at heart,you do not need your family members to complete anywork.others will come to help you.if you are respected by people in society,no other beautification is necessary.if you are well educated,you do not need any other possessions or money.
If you have bad name in society,it is as good as,you need not suffer another are already dead in the eyes of,every one should think well before opting as how they should lead their lives.

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