Friday 3 October 2014

Ksheerenaathmagatho dakaaya

Ksheerenaatgmagatho dakaaya hi gunaa daththaauraa thealhalaah

Ksheerothnaava mavekshya thena payasaa swaath aa krusaanohuthah,

Ganthumpaavaka munmana sthadabhavaddhrushtvaathu miththraapadam

Yukthamthenajalena saamyathi,sathaam maiththree punasthveedrusee!//66//

Good friends always mingle like milk and water.for this,he is explaining like this. When water mixes with milk milk gives its characters to water.water understands this,and when ilk is put on fire,water boils and falls into the flames.seeing this. Milk also tries to fall into fire,but when water is sprinkled,milk gets subdued and calm and retains itself.friendship with good people will be like this.

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