Friday 3 October 2014

Yethe sathpurushaah paraardhaghatakaa a

Yethe sathpurushaah paraardhaghatakaa sswaardhaah parithyajyaye

Saamaanyaa sthuparaadha mudyama hruthahswaardhaavirodhena  ye,

Theameemaanusharaakshasaah parahitham swaardhaaya nighnanthi ye

Ye thu ghnanthi nirardhakam parahithamthe ke na jaaneemahe!//64//

Poet is telling us the difference  between great medium and low charactered people.great people forsake their work and help others in fulfilling their goals.medium people help others in a manner,when there is no hindrance for their work.low people spoil others work to fulfil their goals.they are demons among mankind.there is another category,who destroy othersworkeven though there is no benefit for them in doing so.poet has no words to name them .
Good people should think aptly as what they should follow in their lives.

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