Sunday 29 June 2014

moorkha paddhathi...bodhaaro

Boddhaaro mathsaragrasthaah prabhavah smayadooshithaah Abodhopahathaaschaanye jeerna manga subhaashitham//2// Those who have knowledge are jealous. Kings and rulers are proud.Common man does not have the intelligence to hear and learn what is right. so,whatever good things I want to tell are imprisoned within me. THey are not coming out.It is rare to find people accept and acknowledge if a good thing is told them. Angah maaraadhyassukhathara maaraadhyathe viseshajnah Jnaanalavadurvidgam brahmaapi naram sa ranjayathi//3// We can convince people,who do not know anything. We can also make people see reason and rhyme ,who have knowledge. But it is very difficult to make them see reason,who neither know fully nor are fully ignorant of the trying we can remove a pearl embedded in the jaws of a crocodile.We can cross a ocean even when it is turbulent and with high waves.We can even adorn a hissing snake as a garland.But we can never make a head strong ignorant person see reason.

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