Thursday 23 October 2014

Srungaara sathakamu...Sambhu swayambhu harayo

Next hundred poems are dedicated to Srungaara rasam. Sambhu swayambhu harayo harinekshanaanaam, Yenaa kriyantha sathatham gruha kumbhadaasaah, Vaachaamagochara charithra vichithri thaaya Thasmai namo bhagavathe makaradhvajaaya//101// For Srungaara rasam,Manmadhudu is the head of the department. So,poet is saluting Manmadha.Manmadha is very powerful. He can make even Thrimoorthulu,slaves to their wives.Vishnu has Lakshmi in his chest. Siva gave half his body to his wife,Parvathi.Brahma has Saraswathi is his speech itself.When Gods themselves are prey to this,what is the chance for mortals to survive and protst this srungaaram.Brahma,Vishnu,And Siva are very powerful. They can do anything and undo any thing.But they too were made slaves to this lust.Men are bowled over by harinekshanaam...deer like eyes of females.They are bound to do house hold chores like filling up water to pots to help women at home.Practically,they become slaves to their women.Manmadha is so powerful to make men do all these things.He has crocodile on his flag mast and he has flowers as his arrows to affect the simpletons. I salute Manmadha.

Bheemam vanam bhavathi

Bheemam vanam bhavathi thasya puram pradhaanam Sarvojanah sujanathaa mupayaathi thasya, Kruthsnaacha bhoorbhavathi sanni dhirathna poornaa Ya syaasthi poorva sukrutham vipulam narasya//100// Why talk in prolonged manner? wherever, a good person stays,he would reap what all is best for him.For a person who has done good deeds earlier and has achieved Punya,even in the dark forest,he would enjoy lifewith all the pleasures.All his friends become his well wishers and good relations.Entire Earth gives him diamonds and pearls ,good things,wherever he lives and stays.

Vane rane sathru jalaagni madhye

Vane rane sathru jalaagni madhye,guhaarnave parvatha masthake vaa, Suptham pramaththam vishamsdhitham vaa takshanthi punyaani puraakruthaani//99// Even in times of calamities and difficulties,effect of our good deeds done earlier alone would help us revive to normalcy. Whether We are in the forest,at war,in midst of enemies,in water,in fire,in the middle of oceans,on the hill top,while asleep,or in the state of intoxication,in times of danger....our earlier good deeds and their fruits alone would help us from destruction or degradation.

majjathvambhasi ,yaaathu merusikharam

Majjathvambhasi ,yaathu meru sikharam ,sathroon jayathvaahave, Vaanajyam krushi sevanaadi sakala vidyaah kalaah sikshathaam, Aakaasam vipulam prayaathu khagavathkruthvaa prayathnam param, Naabhaavyam bhavatheeha bhaagyavaso,bhavyasyanaasah kuthah?//98// If we are destined to enjoy fruits of our trials,we would definitely receive them. Other wise,what ever trials we make in our life,they would never bear fruit.Even if a person hoes under water and is crumbled by heavy water pillars,lift Meruparvatham by the strength of his yogic power,defeat enemies at war,be a success in his business activities,best at farming his lands,study all the subjects and learn a lot,practice a lot and fly into the air like a bird,....if any thing is destined not to come into his hands,he would never acquire and if he is destined to reap the fruits,nothing can stop him from possessing it.

nai vaakruthih ,phalathi

naivaakruthih ,phalathi,naiva kulam,na seelam, vidyaapinaiva ,na cha yathnakruthaaapi sevaa, bhaagyaani poorvathavasaa khalu sanchithaani kaale phalanthi purushasya yadhaiva vrukshaah//97// dOING GOOD DEEDS ALONE BRINGS US GOOD FATE AND NOTHING ELSE.For a man his physical features,caste,nature ,education..which are all done by practice and intentionally...never bring furit.good things we do in our earlier days or earlier life,penance we do.its fruit is like a tree and gives results when ever good time comes to us.So,we have to do penance all the time.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

sdhaalyaam vaidooryamayyaam pachathi thilakhilam chaandanai

Sdhaalayaam vaidooryamayyaam pachathi thilakhilam chaandanai rindhanoughaih, Souvarnai rlaangalaagrai rvilikhithi vasudhaa marka thoolasya hethoh, Chiththvaa karpoorakhandaan vruthi miha kuruthekodravaam samanthaath, Praapyemaam karmabhoomim na bhajathi manujo sthapo mandabhaagyah//96// He is a fool who does not do Karma according to the the place where he is living, that is according to the rules and regulations prevailing in that area.In this context,poet is referring to the pious Bharatha khandam.who everis born in Bharatha khandam,he is very lucky.iF HE does not do penance,he is a complete loser and a waste fellow.It is as if in the diamond studded vessel,alighting sandal logs,a person cooks cheap millets powder.He is equal to such a person,who uses golden plough to plant waste madar trees or jilledu plants.He is equal to such a person,who cuts karpoora trees to make a fence for useless grass and fodder. so,if you are a well wisher,you should involve yourself in doing good deeds.

Gunava dagunava dvaa

Gunava dagunava dvaa kurvathraa kaarya maadou Parinathi ravadhaaryaa yathnathah pandithena, Athirabhasakruthaanaam karmanaa maavipaththe Rbhavathi hrudayadaahee salyathulyo vipaakah//95// You should think well before doing any thing. you should never act hastily,without assessing the after effects of our deeds.A good knowledgeabl should think well before attemting anything,whether it is good or bad.If you do not think ,but do anything hastily. those things would sting you like arrows all your life,till death takes you away.

Subhram sadma,savibhramaa

Subhram sadma,savibhramaa yuvathayah,swethaathapathrojjvalaa Lakshmee,rithyanubhooyathe chira manusyoothe subhe karmanih, Vichchinne nitharaamanangakalaha kreedaathrutaththanthukam Mukthaajaala miva prayaathi jhudithi bhrasyaddisoadrusyathaam//94// both increase and decrese are in the hands of,please engage yourself in doing good deeds.if your fate is good,you would acquire good buildings,beautiful and young women,and kingdoms to rule.if good fate moves away from your hands,your wealth and riches crash down like pack of cards. It is as if a pearl chain is torn in harsh sexual act,where in pearls are swirled in all directions and you do not have control in assembling all of them and tie them to a string neatly.You can not even find all of them. You miss some of them from your sight.your good acquisitions are scattered all over,with neither reason nor rhyme.

yaa saadhoom schakhalaan karothi

yaa saadhoom schakhalaan karothi,vidushomoorkhaan ,hithaandveshinah, Prathyaksham kuruthe paroksha ,mamrutham haalaahalam thakshanaath Thaa maaraadhaya sathkriyam bhagavatheem bhokthum phalam vaanchatham, Hesaadho ,vyasanairguneshu vipuleshvaasdhaam vrudhaa maakrudhaah//93// Because Karma is powerful and controlling factor,poet is saluting,every one should be calm and composed for all the good deeds to happen.Sathkarma or good fate turns bad guys into good ones in a second.It makes an ignorant person and a dull head into a knowledgeable person.It turns enemies into friends.It makes us see things which are invisible till then.It transforms poison into life saving,one need not strain themselves in unwanted rajo and thamasa traits.

Brahmaa yena kulaalavanniyamitho

Brahmaa yena kulaalavanniyamitho brahmaanda bhaandodare Vishnuryena dasaavathaaragahane kshiptho mahaasankate Rudro yena kapaalapaaniputake bhikshaatanam sevathe Sooryo bhraamyathi nithyameva gagane thasmai namah karmane//92// Here poet is explainimg the importance of fate.Brahma was made to work i the rounded Brahmaandam in creating the life on this universe.under what pressure,Vishnu has undertaken the difficulties of attiring all the ten Dasaavathaaras?What made Rudra to hold a skull in his hands go for alms?Why does Sun move all around daily,from times immemorial till eternity? I salute that powerful Karma,which controls this entire universe.

karma paddhathi...namasyaamo deva

Namasyaamo devaa,nnanu hathavidhesthe api vasagaa vidhi rvandyah ,soapi prathiniyatha karmaika phaladah, phalam karmaayaththam,ki mamaraganaih?kim cha vidhinaa? Namastha thkarmabhyo,vidhirapi na yebhyah prabhavathi//91// in the next ten poems ,poet is telling us that Karma or fate is more powerful than God.I salute deities.But they are in the grip of God .So.I salute Him.That God gives us according to our fate.So,I salute Karma.Result always depends on our fate.So,why should I care either deities or God?I salute Karma,which even deities can not overcome.


Daivena prabhunaa swayam jagathi ya dyasya pramaaneekrutham thaththa syopaname nnanaa gapi mahaannaivaasrayah kaaranam, Sarvaasaaparipoorake jaladhare varsha thyapi prathyaham sookshmaa yeva pathanthi chaathaka mukhe dvithraah payobindavah//90// So,we have to bow to the Almighty for everything.Whate ever one is supposed to acquire ,he would definitely possess.For this,we need not go to anyone and crave.great clouds spread in all directions and rain heavily. But a bird,chaathaka pakshi can secure only few drops of water into its mouth by fullyy opening its mouth.It can never have more than few drops.even if it rains heavily.Even if we secure great peoples protection or assistance,our fruits will be limited.They will not be as huge as we hope.So,you have to seek the protection and assistance of God .

virama viramaayaasaa dasmaa

Virama viramaayaasaa dasmaa dduradhyavasaayatho Vipadi mahathaam dhairya dhvamsam ya deekshithu meehase, Ayi jada vidhe ,kalpaapaayeapyapetha nijakramaah Kulasikharinah kshudraavaithe na vaa jalaraasayah//89// even if Almighty puts obstacls and difficulties in the lives of good people,they never lose their cool and are strong mentally.Hey God!you are not using your brain.You are trying to bring difficulties to good natured people.You re trying to make them lose their courage. But you would never succeed in it.Even during the end of Kalpam,great things like pious mountains...Mahendramu,Malayamu,Sahyamu,Saamanthamu,Rukshaparvathamu,Vindhyamu and paariyaathramu a,d great seven oceans never cross their limits.They are within their,in normal times you can never even dream that they would lose courage and belittle themselves.


Priya sakha,vipaddandaaghaatha prapaatha paramparaa Parichayaabale chinthaa chakre nidhaaya vidhih khalah, Mrudamiva balaa thpindeekruthya pragalbha kulaalava Dbhramayathi mano,no janeemah kimathra vidhaasyathi//88// Nothing is in our hands. difficulties are according to fate.They are in the hands of Almighty.Poet is irritated by the acts of God.He is harsh at his DOINGS. He is actually hurt .This bad God is so cruel.He has made my mind and soul like a pulp. He is thawing it like a man who does pottery,beating with a stick all the time to soften it .He is beating with sticks of difficulties. He is rotating and churning on a wheel of tension and sadness.Why he is doing like this,I am unable to understand.


Ayamamrutha nidhaanam,naayako pyoshadheenaam, sathabhishah ganuyaathah,sambhumoordhno vathamsah, Virahayathi na chainam raajayakshmaa sasaankam, hathavidhi paripaakah kena vaa langhaneeyah?87// However great may be a person,he can not escape from fate.This moon,whom we are seeing daily is the place of Amrutham.He is the king of all medicinal herbs and plants.He will be having hundred doctors with him all the time.He is an ornament of Lord Siva. He is on his head all the time.Still,he suffers from destruction or kshayam.That is ,he would diminish daily till Amaavasya ie no moon .So,this proves that no one can escape fate.

Saturday 18 October 2014

srujathi thaava thasesha gunaakaram

Srujathi thaava thasesha gunaakaram purusharathna malankaranam bhuvah, thadapi tha,kshanabhangi karothi ch, dahaha ,kashtama pandithathaa vidheh//86// Brahma is a fool because he shortens the life span of good charactered people.This is the opinion of the writer.dAIVAM or the God is creating a man who is the best,with all the good characters.He is like a jewel to the beauty of the Earth. But it is immediately destroying it with in seconds. This shows the foolishness or ignorance of the Creator.

gaja bhujanga vihangama bandhanam

Gaja bhujanga vihangama bandhanam, sasi divaakarayo rgrahapeedanam, mathimathaam cha vilokya daridrathaam vidhiraho balavaanithime mathih//85// compared to all other factors in life,Gods grace is the strongest,in our achievements . Actually elephants,birds and serpants are strong and it is not easy to capture them.But still,they are caged and are caught.Sun and Moon are great planets. But still,they are eaten or gulped by demons Raahu and Kethu and as a result eclipse is formed. Good people,without their wrong doings, suffer from poverty and difficulies. By observing all these,poet is coming to the conclusion that gODS EFFECT OR FATE is powerful.

kharvaato divasesvarasya kiranaih

kharvaato divasesvarasya kiranaih santhaapithe masthake vaanchaandesa manaathapam vidhivasaa ththaalasya moolam gathah, thathrapyasya mahaaphalena pathathaa bhagnam sasabdam sirah, praayogachchathi yathra daivahathakastha thraiva yaa nthyaapadah//84// wherever one,is,he can never be happy and contented,if he does not have the blessings of God.for this,poet has taken the example of a bald headed person. One after noon,a bald headed person was walking on the road. due to severe sun rays, his head was scorching. he could not withstand the heat. So,he moved to a shaded place under a huge tree.But at that time,a huge fruit from the tree fell on his head and his head broke into pieces. if we do not have Gods grace and blessings,we can never be safe nor secured,wherever we go.difficulties flock to that person,wherever he moves.

yadhaa kandukapaathe

yadhaa kandukapaathe no thpatha thyaaryah pathannapi, thadhaa thvanaaryah vathathi mruthpindapathanam yadhaa//83// here poet is explaining the fate of a person who believes in God and who does not believe in God.when a ball falls on the ground,it bounces back with force. similarly,a person who has belief in God,rises to a comfortable high post,even if he is down for some time,with renewed vigour.that means good days come back to him,even if he suffers for a short period.while in the case of a bad guy,who has no faith in God,it is like a clay ball,which does not bounce back ,once it falls on the ground.thaat is a bad guy,once he is in a low position,can never recover and grow to a higher position.

bhagnaasasya karanda pinditha thano

bhagnaasasya karanda pinditha thano rlmaanendriyasya kshudhaa kruthvaakhu rvivaram swayam nipathitho naktham mukhe bhoginah, thrupthastha thpisithena sathvara masou thenaiva yaathah padhaa swasdhaa sthishtatha daivameva hi param vruddhou kshaye kaaranam//82// poet is telling that for getting entangled into materialistic relations or achieving salvation,for destruction or progress,God is explain it,he is giving us the example of rat and a snake. one night,a rat made a hole in to a basket for food.but earlier to that ,a snake had gone inside and got entangled in the narrow basket and could not come was hungry,but could not come out of the basket .it was becoming weak day by day and was losing all its strength. but when the rat entered the basket,the snake ate it eagerly and came out of the basket through the hole made by the,for development or progress and degeneration or destruction,God is wholly responsible.

Thursday 16 October 2014

daiva paddhathi..nethaa asya bruhaspathi

nethaa asya bruhaspathi .prahakanam vajram ,suraah sainikaah, swargodurga,manugrahah khalu hare,rairaavano vaaranah, ithyaascharya jalaanvithoapi balabhi dbhagnah paraih sangare, thadvyaktham nanu daivameva saranam dhig vrudhaa pourusham//81// in this Daiva paddhathi,poet is telling us that god is more stronger than courage and this context,he is giving us the example of Indra,king of dietiees.Indra has Bruhaspathi as his teacher.he has vajram ie diamond as his weapon ie vajraayudham.His entire army comprises of deities.heaven is his fort.he has the blessings of Vishnu.he alights Airaavatham,unique elephant.having so many powers,we feel Indra can never be defeated by any one. But,he too is defeated by enemies in war. so,for every thing in life,daivabalam is more important than valou or courage.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Aiswaryasya vibhooshanam

Aiswaryasya vibhooshanam sujanathaa,souryasya vaaksamyamo,

Jnaana syopasama,sruthasya vinayo,viththasya paathre vyayah,

Akrodhasthapasah,kshamaa prabhavithu,rdharmasya mirvyaajathaa,

Sarveshaa mapu sarvakaarana midam seelam param bhooshanam//80//

Character is the utmost ornament any one can adorn all the time.even when you are rich and wealthy,one should maintain their good character.when you are valiant and courageous,you should talk less.when you have ample knowledge,you should not have materialistic temptations.when you are educated,you should not be arrogant but pliant.if you have money ,you should be able to help the poor and needy.if you are a yogi or saint,you should never lose your temper.if you aye efficient,you should be patient.without complaining ,you should do your good deeds and go in the right path.
These are all the natural ornaments any good charactered person will have.these traits are better and the best ornaments than the golden ornaments which all the ordinary people put on.

Chinnoapi rohathi tharuh ksheeno

Chinnoapi rohathi tharuh ksheenoapyupacheeyathe punaschandrah,

Ithi vimrusanthassanthah santhapyanthe na vipluthaa loke!//79//

Good charactered persons are never sorrowful .they are like perennial trees,which bloom and put new leaves and branches even after they are beheaded.moon on Amaavaasya,still grows to be a full moon,day by day.they are not unhappy,in times of difficulties but are always optimistc.

Vahnisthasya jalaayathe

Vahnisthasya jalaayathe,jalanidhih kulyaayathe,thathranaa

Nmeruh svalpasilaayathe,mrugapathih sadyah kuranjiyathe,

Vyaalo maalyagunaayathe ,visharasah peeyooshavarshaayathe

Yasyaangeakhila lokavalla bhathamam seelam samunmeelathi!//78//

For good charactered persons,even difficulties become blessings.for good natured and good charactered persons,fire feels like cool water.Meru mountain looks like a small boulder.lion appears to be a deer.snake feels like a garland.Poison tastes like life saving Amrutham.

Varam thungaachchrungaadguru sikharinah kvaapi vishame

Varam thungaachchrungaadguru sikharinah kvaapi vishame

Pathithvaayam kaayah katinadrushadanthe vidalithah,

Varam nyasthohasthah phanipathi mukhe theekshadasne

Varam vahnou paatha,stha dapi na kruthah selavilayah//77//

It is better to die than to degrade ourselves or assassinate our is better to fall from high mountains on to to steep rocks and is even better to put our hand into the mouth of Aadiseshu nag,poisonous snake,which emits is better to fall into engulfing flames of fire.but it is never better to lose our integrity,good character and behaviour.

Kavardhitha syaapi hi dhairya vruththe

Kavardhitha syaapi hi dhairyavruththe

Rnasakyathe dhairyagunah pramaarshum,

Adhomukha syaapi kruthasyavahne

Rnaadhah sikhaa yaathi kadaachi deva!//76//

If you are courageous,no one can stop you from disclosing it.a courageous man never loses his courage even in times of sorrows or is so simple. When you upside down a stick which is burning,fire will still go up,never burns downwards.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Kaanthaa kataaksha visikhaa

Kaanthaa kataaksha visikhaa nalunanthi yasya

Chiththam na nirdahathi kopakrusaanuthaapah,

Tharshanthi bhoorivishayaa schanalobhapaasai

Rlokathrayam jayathi. Kruthsnamitham sadheerah//75//

Poet is explaining the nature and traits of courageous people.their mind and soul is not affected by womans arrow like of anger does not burn their mind.their heart is not dragged by greed and too much desire. Such great peoplerule the universe .

Nindanthu neethi nipunaa

Nindanthu neethinipunaa,yadi vaasthuvanthu,

Lakshmeeh samaavisathu,gachchathu vaa yadheshtam,

Adyaiva  vaa marana masthu,yugaantharevaa,

Vyaayaathpadhah pravichalanthi padam na dheeraah!//74//

Courageous people never leave the right and lawful way.good people never waver ,even if great scholars abuse them or praise them.they are constant even when riches come or go.they do not vare whether death comes to them the very next second or at the end of this kalpam or universe.whatever the conditions,they never waver from righteous path.

Kvachi tprudhveesayyah

Kvachi thprudhveesayyah,kvachi dapi cha paryankasayanah,

Kvachi chchaakaahaarah,kvachi dapi cha saalyodalaruchih,

Kvachi thkandhaadhaaree,kvachi dapi cha divyaambaradharo,

Manasvee kaaryaardhee na ganayithi duhkham na cha sukham!//73//

A person who is a doer,never cares for difficulties or luxuries,till his work is completed.valiant worker might get to sleep on the ground sometimes and on good better at other one time he has to suffice his hunger by eating vegetables only. At other times ,he might get rice and rich food for eating.some times,he might have to compromise by tying a rough cloth.some other times,he might have access to wear costly silk clothing.he would never weep when difficultiesa rise and he would never feel proud if riches and good days come to him.

Praarabhyathe na khalu

Praarabhyathe na khalu vighnabhayena neechaih

Praarabhya vighnanihathaa viramamthi madhyaah,

Vighnai rmuhurmuhu rapi prathihanyamaanaah

Praarabdha muththamagunaa naarithyajanthi!//72//

Poet is telling the difference  between uththama,madhyama ans neecha persons.adhamulu ie characterless people do not start any worth while work for fear that obstacles might rise in execution.madhyamulu ie average people start the work ,but stop it when difficulties arise in the middle.while charactered and courageous people never stop their mission,once it gets started.they do not stop the work even if  obstructions and obstacles arise during execution of the work.until it is completed,they do not go astray but finish it.

Dhairya paddhathi...Rathnairmahaabdhesthu

Rathnairmahaabdhesthuthushurna devaa,

Na bheji re bheema vishena bheethim,

Sudhaam vinaasa prayayirviraamam

Na nischithaardhaadviramanthi dheeraah!//71//

Courageous and valiant people never stop trying to complete the work they have undertaken,under any circumstances.when deities were churning the paalasamudram,they were not attracted by the diamonds and rubies that came from the sea.they were not afraid of the kaalakoota vsham ie poison that came when they were churning the sea.they continued their mission,till they obtained Amrutham ie life giver for eternity.

Manasi vachasi

Manasi vachasi kaaye punyapeeyoosha poornaa

Sthribhuvana mupakaarasrenibhih preenayanthah

Paraguna paramaanoon parvatheekruthya nithyam

Nijahrudi vakasanthah santhi santhah kiyanthah//70//

Good people are rare to be found.people who think good,speak truth,and act in good and righteous manner are rare.their lives are complete .they help every one who is in need of help,whether theya sk for help or not.they praise the good in others even if it is negligible.they are always happy
and content.such people are handful.

Thrushnaam chindi

Thrushnaam chindi,bhaja kshamaam,jahi madam,paape rathim maa krudhaah,

Sathyam broohyanuyaahi saadhupadaveem,sevasva vidpajjanam,

Maanyaanmaanaya,vidvisho pyanunayam prakhyaapaya prasrayam,

Keerthimpaalaya,duhkhithe kuru dayaa,methathsathaam cheshtithaam!//69//

Craving for others riches rings problems.when others belittle you,controlling your anger is called patience and forgiveness.if we lose our temper,bad will happen.if we are proud that we have gained ample knowledge,it makes us lose our common sense.thus,we do wrong acts resulting in harmful,we should insist our selves in speaking the truth always.,doing rightful acts.if we do not tell truth,we might sin .we have to lead our lives in right path.other wise,we might end up doing wrong acts, and follow the wrong path and behave badly .we have to respect  our elders. Other wise,good name,righteousness and riches would leave us.if you make enemies, they find out your weakness and destroy you.if you live in right path,you become famous and respected by should be respectful and docile towards your teachers.otherwise,you are as good as should be kind enough and .have the intention to help the needy.if you do not have that helping and kind nature your conscience will not be clear and if you want to be called as Sujanudu,you should have all the above traits.
Traits of good people are like this.we should not be greedy. We should be patient.we should never be headstrong.we should not be tempted to do wrong deeds.we should always speak the truth.we should go in the path paved by other elderly good and righteous people.we should serve knowlegeable persons.we should respect elders.we should treat even enemies in a kind and nice way.we should be docile when interacting with elders.we should behave in a manner that no bad name comes to us.we should be kind towards needy and down trodden.

Jaathah koorma sa

Jaathah koorma sa yekah prudhu bhuvana bharaayaarpitham yena prushtam

Slaaghyam janmadhruva syabhramathi niyamitham yathra thejasvichakram

Sanjaatha vyardhapakshaah parahitha karanenarishtaanna chaadho

Brahmannodumbaraantharmasakava dapare janthavo jaathanashtaah!//68//

In helping others two persons have reached the ultimatum. Their lives are fruitful and of Aadikoormam ie first tortoise which bore the entire weight of  the universe and Dhruva ,who was instrumental in making Jyothischakram to rotate on Meruvu are really great and worth loving.allotherswho could not help in such a greatmanner are eitherin the eginning likeAAdikoorma  nor in the top like the fig fruit like Brahmaandam,others are like insects,which are born and die ,without any aim or rhyme.

Friday 3 October 2014

Ithah swapithikesavah

Ithah swapithi kesavah,kula mithasthadeeyadvishaa

Mithascha saranaardhinaam sikharinaam ganaah serathe,

Ithoapi badabaanala sahasamastha samvarthakai

Raho vithatha moorjitham bharasaham cha sindhorvapuh!//67//

Great people give acceptance and help for all kinds of people.let us take the example of sea.its hugeness,its humility,its kindness have no bounds.on one side,it acts as a bed for Sree Mahaa Vishnu,who is maintaining all the fourteen universes.on other side,it accomodates Kalakeyaadulu who are afraid of Vishnu and are demons.on one side,it lets Mainakaadi mountains to stay and reside ,who have come there to protect themselves from Indra.on the other side,it maintains badabaanalam fire in the sea.though ,badabaanalam dries the ocean with its flames,it still persists and enlarge.
Like this,great people give protection to wide range of people.

Ksheerenaathmagatho dakaaya

Ksheerenaatgmagatho dakaaya hi gunaa daththaauraa thealhalaah

Ksheerothnaava mavekshya thena payasaa swaath aa krusaanohuthah,

Ganthumpaavaka munmana sthadabhavaddhrushtvaathu miththraapadam

Yukthamthenajalena saamyathi,sathaam maiththree punasthveedrusee!//66//

Good friends always mingle like milk and water.for this,he is explaining like this. When water mixes with milk milk gives its characters to water.water understands this,and when ilk is put on fire,water boils and falls into the flames.seeing this. Milk also tries to fall into fire,but when water is sprinkled,milk gets subdued and calm and retains itself.friendship with good people will be like this.

Paapaanni vaarayathi

Paapaanni vaarayathi ,yojayathe hithaaya,

Guhyam niguhathi,gunaan prakateekarothi,

Aapadgatham cha na jahaathi,dadaathi kaaleh,

Sanmithra lakshana midam pravadanthi santhah!//65//

Poet is telling us about the character of a good friend.
A good friend warns us from doing wrong acts.he encourages us in doing good things.he keeps our secrets .he boasts our good traits in public.he never leaves you alone in times of need hardships and difficulties.he helps by giving what is needed according to the times, in an appropriate manner.
These are the good traits that a good and reliable friend should possess.

Yethe sathpurushaah paraardhaghatakaa a

Yethe sathpurushaah paraardhaghatakaa sswaardhaah parithyajyaye

Saamaanyaa sthuparaadha mudyama hruthahswaardhaavirodhena  ye,

Theameemaanusharaakshasaah parahitham swaardhaaya nighnanthi ye

Ye thu ghnanthi nirardhakam parahithamthe ke na jaaneemahe!//64//

Poet is telling us the difference  between great medium and low charactered people.great people forsake their work and help others in fulfilling their goals.medium people help others in a manner,when there is no hindrance for their work.low people spoil others work to fulfil their goals.they are demons among mankind.there is another category,who destroy othersworkeven though there is no benefit for them in doing so.poet has no words to name them .
Good people should think aptly as what they should follow in their lives.

Padmaakaram dinakaro

Padmaakaram dinakarovikacham karothi,

Chandrovikaasachathi kairava chakra vaalam,

Naabhyardhitho jaladharoapi jalamdadaathi,
Santhah swayam parahithe vihthaabheeyogaah!//63//

Great people donate,even when not asked and requested by the one prays ,but Sun daily rises in the East and make lotus pond bloom with lotus flowers.Moon  without being asked,shines in the night and makes kaluva flowers bloom in the night.clouds rain water ,without any one requesting them for water.
Good and great people help others always and they like it.

Srothram sruthenaiva

Srothram sruthenaiva na kundalena,

Danena paanirnathu kankanena,

Vibhaathi kaayah karunaarakaanaam,

Paropakaarena na chandanena!//62//

Poet is explaining the traits of good people,who are kind hearted.for kind hearted good people,hearing good and meaningful sciences is an ornament,but not golden ear donations and alms are their ornaments  for hands,but not precious stone studded bracelets.helping others is the natural beautification of their bodies,but not applying sandal paste.

Paropakaara paddhathi...bhavanthinamraastharavah

Bhavanthi namraastharavah phalodgamai

Rnavaambunhirdoola vilambino ghanaah,


Swabhaava yevaisha paropakaarinaam//61//

In parakaara paddhathioet is explaining about helping nature in men.trees bend down when they are full with fruits.clouds when they are filled with new water drops,they lie low in the sky with weight of water.great people,when they acquire treasures and wealth,never are proud and head is their nature.this docility,being low,and being calm and composed without any over headedness is natural to good and great people.