Monday 29 September 2014


Namrathvenonnamanthah,paragunakadhanaih swaangunkhyaapayanthah,

Swaardhaa ssampaadayantho vithathaprudhutharaarambha yathnaah paraadhe,

Kshaanthyaivaakshepa rookshaakshara mukhaara mukhaa ndurjanaa nduhkhayanthah,

Santhassaascharuacharyaa jagathi bahumathaah kasya naabhyarchaneeyaah?//60//

Good charactered people are respectable every where,by every one.great people  gain their greatness by being calm and composed.they praise others greatness and by praising them prove their kind heart.they try hard for others in achieving their goals,and by the way full fill their tasks and goals .also.if any one misbehaves with them,they show their patience and still make them unhappy and sorry for their misdeeds.only great people can have such a surprising  behaviour.when one has such a nice nature,who can with hold from praising and respecting them.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Yah preenaye thsucharithaih

Yah preenaye thsucharithaih pitharam sa puththro

Ya dbharthurevahitha michchathi thathkalathram,

Thanmiththra maapadi sukhe cha

Samakriyam ya,dethath thrayam jagathi punyakrutho labhanthe!//59//

Poet is telling that we should have done some good deeds in our earlier life if at all we want to enjoy good life in this birth.a good son makes a father happy b his good deeds and nature.a good wife always prays for her husbands welfare and well being.a good treats you alike even in the times difficulties or in good times.only lucky and good people can get such good son,good wife and good friend.

Santhapthaayasi samsdhithasya

Santhapthaayasi samsdhithasya payaso naamaapi na srooyathe

Mukthaakaarathayaa thadeva nalineepathrasdhitham drusyathe,

Anthassaagara sukthi madhyapathitham thanmoukthikam jaayathe,

Praayenaadhama madhya moththama jushaamevam vidhaavruththaya!//58//

Our fate changes according to the people to whom we go for help.if a drop of water falls on hot iron,it evaporates with out any name or fame.if it falls on a lotus leaf,it glistens like a pearl.same drop ,if it falls in coral shell,it becomes a real pearl.whom ever we follow,we become lower,middle and high class total disaster,illusionary happiness and real happiness.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Pradaanam prachchannam

Pradaanam prachchannam, Gruhamupagathe sambhramavidhih

Priyam kruthvaa mounam,sadasi kadhanam chaapyuprakrutheh,

Anuthseko lakshmyaam,nirabhibhavasaaraah parakadhaah

Sathaam kenoddishtam vishama masidhaaraa vratham!//57//

We should help others silently,without others knowing about it.if anyone comes to your house for help,you should help him with love and should not tell others about the help you did him.if any one helps you, you should tell it in open to should not be proud and headstrong if  good times come to you and you become should not belittle or abuse others.
This asidhaaraavratham is not acquired but in born in great people.

Priyaanyaayyaa vruththih

Priyaa nyaayyaa vruththirmalina masubhangeapyasukaram

Thvasantho naabhuardhyaah,suhrudapi na yaachyah krusadhanah

Vipathyuchchairdhairyam,padamanuvidheyam cha mahathaam

Sathaam kenoddishtam vishama masidhaaraavratha midam?//56//

Asidhaaraavratham means that even if you keep a man on a single bed with a young woman,hew ould not lose control but observes brahmacharyamhysically and is said to be very difficult.
Doing a legal and rightful job is the first criterion.even if your life is at stake,you should not indulge in wrong should not crave and cringe for help from bad people.even when you are  poor ,you should not seek help even from your best should be brave even in times of difficulties and should be helpful to good and great people.
This strict asidhaaraavrathma is natural to goodnatured people. It can be learnt from anyone or from anywhere.

Sampathsu mahathaam chiththam

Sampathsu mahathaam chiththam bhaveduthpalakomalam,

Aapathsu cha mahaasailasilaasanghitha karkasam!//55//

Poet is explaining us the the  mental stature of a good charactered person here.
Great peoples mind becomes soft and kind as they enjoy riches and pleasures.they are tender like petals of a lotus flower.when hardships and difficulties engulf them,they become hard like big boulders of a mountain.
This means that they do not lose their cool and composure when riches come to them.they do not waver and fear when hardships and difficulties come. They maintain equilibrium of  mantal status.


Praanaaghaathaannivruththih,paradhanaharane samyamah,sathyavaakyam,

Kaale sakthyaa pradaanam,yuvathijanakadhaa mookabhaavah,pareshaam

Thrushnosrotho vibhangah,gurushu cha vinayah,sarvabhoothaanukampaa,

Saamaanyam sarvasaasthreshvanupahathavidhih,sreyasaameshapandhaah!//54//

Poet is telling us the ways where by we can earn long term benefits.we should stop hurting other living beings.we should not aspire for others riches.we should always speak the truth.taking into consideration ,the present surviving circumstances,we should help others who are needy and practice charity.we should never talk bad of other women but maintain silence where they are concerned.we should be away from greed and greedy deeds.we should respect our teachers and elders.we should be docile.we should love all the living creatures and treat them equally and be kind to them.we should treat all saasthras and sciences equally.
If we behave like this,we are sure to gain all the good benefits in the long run.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Kare slaaghyasthyaagah

Kare slaaghyasthyaagah ,sirasi gurupaadapranayithaa

Mukhe sathyaavaanee,vijayi bhujayo rveerya mathulam,

Hrudi svachchaavruththih sruthamadhigatham cha sravanayo,

Rvinaaapyaisvaryena prakruthi mahathaam mandanamidam!//53//

Great people do not need physical ornaments to adorn them.they do not have golden ornaments,it does not matter. They have so many more prestigeous ornaments.their hands are adorned by donations to the needy and poor.they bow to their teachers and so their head is blessed because it touches the feet of their Guru in submission.their face has a glow which comes by speaking truth all the time.their shoulders are proud with valour which brings victory in times of war.their hearts are clean and clear and are not tainted with greed or ill will.that untainted and plain natureitself is a great boon.their ears are filled with discussions and knowledge about vedas and science and many literary things.
What more ornaments do one need other than these ornaments?

Vipadi dhairya

Vipadi dhairya madhaabhyudaye kshamaa

Sadasi vaakpatuthaa,yudhi vikramah,

Yasasi chaabhirathi rvyasanam sruthou

Prakruthi siddha midam hi mahaathmanaam//52//

In this poem ,poet is explaining the general traits of good natured people.great people have these traits by nature.when troubles come,they are fearless and confident.when they get riches,they show assembly,they show their capacity to explain by fine speaking.they show their valour in war.they are interested in fame.they are interested in learning vedas,science and earn knowledge.

Sujana paddhathi..vaancha sajjanasangathou

Vaancha sajjana sangathou,paragune preethi rgurou namrathaa,

Vidyaayaam vyasanam ,svayoshithirathi,rlokaapavaadaadbhayam,

Bhakthih soolini,sakthi raathmadamane,samsarga mukthih khalaih,

Rethe yeshu vasanthi nirmalagunaa ,sthebhyonamah kurmahe!//51//

Poet has previously explained durjana paddhathi. Now he is telling us about sujana paddhathi.he is saluting good natured and good charactered people.good people have interest in making friendship with good people.they always love hood traits in others.they are obedient to their teachers.they are interested in learning and knowledge.he is satisfied with his wife and is not interested in other peoples wives. He is afraid of getting ashamed in the public.he is having ample bhakthi and reverence towards God.if at all,he is belittled by others,he would show his talent and calibre.if he realises that he is having friendship with wrong people,he would break that friendship and moves away from bad people.poet is saluting those who have these good traits.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Mruga meena sajjanaanaam

Mrugameena sajjanaanaam thrunajala santhosha vihitha vruththeenaam,

Lubdhaka dheevarisunaa nishkaarana meva vairino jagathi//50//

A trouble some person is an eternal enemy for a good natured reason is required for that exemplify this fact,poet has used beautiful live happily in water. They never harm anyone. But fisherman catch them by hook and kill them.deer live in forests eating grass and tender leaves. They do not harm even a small animal during their entire life time. But ,hunters kill them without even giving a single thought as to why they should kill such meek creatures.similarly,cruel and bad persons create trouble to good natured  people without any reason or cause.

Aarambhagurvee kshayinee

Aarambhagurvee kshayinee kramena laghvee puraavruddhimaithi paschaath,

Dinasya poorvaardha paraardhabhinnaa chaayena maithreekhalasajjanaanaam//49//

Poet is telling how good and bad charactered persons make their friendships.bad persons friendship is like a shadow in the morning which is large and gets shrinking as the time moves on.good peoples friendship is like a shadow formed in the evening,which is small at the beginning and goes on increasing as the time passes.
So,one. Should assess well ,which is apt for you and decide accordingly.


Udbhaasithaakhilakhilasya visrunkhalasya

Prodgaadavismrutha nijaadhama karmavruththeh,

Daivaa davaaptha vibhavasya gunadvishoasya

Neechasya gocharagathaih sukhamaanyathekaih?//48//

It is better not to fall in the eyes of bad charactered is better not to go near a person who encourages and glorifies bad should keep distance of a person who has no scruples and character.we should be away from those who lived life in acheap manner earlier,but due to grace of God is now in a better position.but just that now he is  well off forgets his past and ill treats good persons. If you go near him,you would never prosper and be is alwaysbetterif you do not move in his circles and near him.


Mounaanmookah ,pravachanapatu rvaachako jalpako vaa,

Dhrushtah paarsve bhavathi cha vasan,doorathpavya pragalbhah

Kshaanthyaabheeru,ryadi na sahathe praayasonaabhijaathah,

Sevaadharmah paramagahano yoginaamapyagamyah//47//

Poet is trying to convince us that working under a king is a tough task.
While serving kings,every thing will be seen from a different can never satisfy them in any manner.even Brahma does not know how to please a king.
If a servant is calm and does not speak,they call him dumb.if he speaks nicely,they say he is talkative and is never silent.they would complain that he has loose tongue.if he is near them,they would say that he has no proper respect for them, if you stand aloof,they would say that you are fit for nothing.if you are patient, they would say that you are meek and afraid all the time.if you argue,they would comment that you are not from a good and respectable family.
So,even saints can not work with them and make a king happy and pleasant.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Na kaschichchanda kopaanaa

Na kaschichchanda kopaanaa,maathmeeyo naama bhoobhujaam,

Ho thaaramapi juhvaanam,sprushto dahathi paavakah//46//

Here poet is explaining the traits of a bad and cruel king.

Fire burns every does not spare any one,even those who help it to burn in the first place.people do yajnaas and yaagaas to appease god of fire and pour ghee and other sacred things to increase burning and glow with hot flames. If we touch it by mistake,it does not spare them also but burns them mercilessly.
Similarly,a ruthless king is angry all the time. They do not have even a single soul who loves them sincerely. Because,even of they are their well wishers, if they do even a slight mistake,that kimg would definitely kill them. He would never spare them on the reason that till then they have helped him immensely.

Sasee divasadhoosaro

Sasee divasadhoosaro,galithayouvanaa kaaminee,

Saro vigatha vaarijam,mukhamanaksharam swaakrutheh,

Prabhu rdhanaparaayanah,sathathadurgathi ssajjano

Nrupaanganagathah khalo ,manasi saptha salyaani me//45//

Poet is of the opinion that a man has seven sharp arrows that sting his heart.he is explaining them in detail.moon is dull and lustreless during the day.a woman past her youth is boring to her lover.a pond devoid of lotus flowers in uninteresting.physically handsome guy ,who has no education attracts
 none.a king who has only one interest,ie earning money and riches can never attain goodwill and love of his people.a good charactered person,if he is poor always,is disgusting to the public.a person who is besides a king and pollutes his mind in taking wrong decisions and disrupts good deeds is never excused.
All these above said people are like arrows  which cause pain to a man.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?pisoonathaa ya dyasthi kim paathakaih?

Sathyam che thapasthaa cha kim?suchi mano ya dyasthi theerdhena kim?

Soujanyam yadi kim balena ? Mahimaa yadyasthi kim mandanaih?

Sadvidyaa yadi kim dhanai? Rapayaso yadyasthikim mruthyunaa?//44//

Poet is telling us the traits of good charactered and bad charactered people.if one is greedy,that itself is enough to bring you bad name to the worst extent.there is no need to have any other bad trait.if one is troublesome and creates ill between two people all the time, no other sin is needed to send him to hell.if you are righteous and treat people with equality it ,in itself is enough to wipe off your other sins. No need to do penance.if you are plain hearted and do not think ill of others and do not harm others,it is enough to bring salvation to you,.you need not go on pilgrimage to religious places for salvation.if you are good at heart,you do not need your family members to complete anywork.others will come to help you.if you are respected by people in society,no other beautification is necessary.if you are well educated,you do not need any other possessions or money.
If you have bad name in society,it is as good as,you need not suffer another are already dead in the eyes of,every one should think well before opting as how they should lead their lives.

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?

Lobhasche dhagunena kim?pisoonathaa ya dyasthi kim paathakaih?

Sathyam che thapasthaa cha kim?suchi mano ya dyasthi theerdhena kim?

Soujanyam yadi kim balena ? Mahimaa yadyasthi kim mandanaih?

Sadvidyaa yadi kim dhanai? Rapayaso yadyasthikim mruthyunaa?//44//

Poet is telling us the traits of good charactered and bad charactered people.if one is greedy,that itself is enough to bring you bad name to the worst extent.there is no need to have any other bad trait.if one is troublesome and creates ill between two people all the time, no other sin is needed to send him to hell.if you are righteous and treat people with equality it ,in itself is enough to wipe off your other sins. No need to do penance.if you are plain hearted and do not think ill of others and do not harm others,it is enough to bring salvation to you,.you need not go on pilgrimage to religious places for salvation.if you are good at heart,you do not need your family members to complete anywork.others will come to help you.if you are respected by people in society,no other beautification is necessary.if you are well educated,you do not need any other possessions or money.
If you have bad name in society,it is as good as,you need not suffer another are already dead in the eyes of,every one should think well before opting as how they should lead their lives.

Friday 12 September 2014

Jaadyam hreemathi ganyathe

Jaadyam hreemathi ganyathe vrathasuchou dambhah suchoukaithavam Soore nirghrunathaa munou vimathithaa dainyam priyaalaapini, Thejasvinyavali pthathaa mukharathaa vakthavyasakthisdhire Thathkonaamaguno bhavethsaguninaam yo durjanairnaankithah//43// Bad charactered person blames every one in this world,whether it is called for or not ,whether it is apt or not. He accuses good natured people irrelavently.he accuses a shy person as a mentally retarded one.he blames a yogi as an extravagant.he makes fun of a decent follower of good faith as pompous man.he blames a valiant person as ruthless fellow.he accuses a gnaani as dull headed person.he makes fun of a reasonable and nicely talking person as a pathetic person.he blames a famous person with aura as a proud person.he accuses a person who is a good at speaking in meetings as a talkative person ,blabbing all the time. Like this a bad person accuses every one and finds faults in every person,whether he is right or not.

Durjanahm pariharthavyo

Durjanah pariharthavyo vidyavyo vidyayaaalankruthoapi san, Maninaa bhooshithassarpah ki masou nabhayankarah?//42// We should not make friendship with wrong persons even if they are scholars and highly qualified people.snake has a diamond on its head. But because it is poisonousa nd vicious. We stay away from is the most reasonable and safe thing to do. Similarly,even if a bad charactered person is highly qualified and a genius,we should never go near him.we should stay away from him.

Durjana paddhathi..akarunathvamakaaranam

Akarunathvamakaaranam vigrahah paradhane parayoshithi cha spruhaa, Sujanabqndhu janeshva sahishnuthaa prakruth siddhamidam hi duraathmanaam//41// Poet hasreviously told us about ardha paddhathi. Now,he is warning us not to move with bad people,even if they are financially sound.bad charactered people have these traits.they are not kind hearted. They have no scruples.they start fighting without any reason or rhyme.they are more interested in other peoples money and women.they have no patience with good natured people and close relations.this is the nature of bad charactered people.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Yaddhaathraa phaalapattalikhitham

Yaddhaathraa phaalapattalikhitham soktham mahadvaadhanam

Thathpraapnothi marusdhaleapi nitharaam merou cha naa thoadhikam,

Thaddheero bhava viththa vathsu krupanaam vruththim vrudhaa maa krudhaah

Koope pasya payo nidhaavapi ghato gruhnaathi thulyam jalam//40//

A amn gets what is reserved to him by God. He gets neither short nor more. Every one should understand this. Even when you are in a desert land,if you are destined to get some money,you would definitely get it. You can not get  a single paisa more even if you go and stand up on a hill or on fertile,be composed. Do not be jealous of the rich and look at them meekly for help doing wasteful deeds.
Let us take an example of a pot. It collects certain amount of water when we put it in the well .it does not collect even a single drop more even when you dip it in the sea where there is ample water. So,you should realise your limitations and understand your fate.
Ardha padhdhathi in this neethi sathakam is complete.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Aajnaakeerthih paalanam

aajnaakeerthih paalanam braahmanaanaam

Daanam bhogo miththra samrakshanam cha,

Yeshaamethe shadgunaa na pravruthaah

Koardhistheshaam paardivopaasrayena?//39//

If we have to seek protection and help we should go to a good charactered king but not to a characterless and cruel king.
There is no use in seeking help and asking protection from a king who has no character. If that king does not punish the wronged ones,he is useless.if he does not have good name and goodwill of the people of his country,he is of no use to anyone.
That king should protect Brahmins.he should give moral and monetary help to the poor and needy.he should know how to lead and enjoy his life.he should protect his friends.he should be strict with anti social elements and punish them. If a king can not do all these six things,it is an utter waste to serve him and be in his protection.

Sathyaaanruthaa cha

Sathyaaanruthaa cha parushaa priyabhaashineecha

Himsraa dayaalurapi chaardhaparaa vadaanyaa,

Nithyavyayaa prachuranithyadhanaakamaa cha

Vaaraanganeva nrupaneethirinekareethih//38//

Raajaneethi or politics is of many ways.politics is sometimes appropriate and  in right some other places it is full of wrong is harsh at one is endearing in some other hurts you at one place.politics is kind to you at some other tome and is greedy at one place. It helps the needy and poor at some other have to spend and invest for politics at one other places and times it is fetching and a money earner.simply,it is like a prostitute,who changes her behaviour according to the situation and other words,it is like a chamelion,who changes its color according to its surroundings.

Raajan dudhukshasi

Raajan dudhukshasi yadi kshithidhenumethaam

Thenaadya vathsamiva lokamamum pushaana,

Thasminscha samyaganisam paripushyamaane

Naanaaphalathi kalpalatheva bhoomi//37//

Poet is telling kings ways to increase their wealth and treasures.o king!if you want to extract money from Earth,which is like a cow,you have to treat people like we treat the calf  with affection.if your behaviour towards the people is good and affectionate,this land gives whatever fruits you want from it like Kalpavalli ie tree which gives whatever fruits you want on mere asking.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Pareekshinah kaschith

Pareekshinah kaschith spruhayathi yavaanaam prasruthaye

Sa paschaathsampoornah kalayathi dharithreem thanasamaam,

Athaschaanekaanthaa gurulaghuthayaaardheshu dhaninaa

Masdhaa vasthooni pradhayathi cha sankochayathi cha//36//

The importance we give to an object or an issue depends on our financial status.that is definite according to the poet.we grope for hand full of rice when we are starving.but afterwards,when we become rich,we treat the entire universe as cheap as according to the existing times things will appear dear or useless and trivial. and vice versa.things which appear to be useless at one time,become dear and respectable afterwards when we are in dire need of it.that is peoples nature.


Manissaanolleedah samaravijayee hethidalitho

Madaksheeno naagah saradi saridaasyaanapulinaa,

Kalaaseshaschandrah surathamrudithaa baalavanithaa

Thanimnaa sobhanthe galithavibhavaaschaardhishu naraah//35//

Poet says that even if by giving ones wealth to the poor and needy,a person becomes poor,it is a matter of prestige to this connection,he gives few examples .when a raw diamond is cut and polished ,it glows with extra lustre.a warrior,though his body is filled with wounds caused by swords or arrows,shines with valour and elephant is elegant even if it loses some extra fat on its winter,rivers shrink and sand dunes are formed on the banks of these rivers.even those dunes with lean river waters is beautiful on full moon days in winter.moon is beautiful to look at even one day before amaavasya,when a thin silky silver line is the form of a sickleis visible to the beholders eyes.a young girl or woman still looks beautiful and enchanting,eve after she is tired from love play.similarly,kings who give away their riches to the needy and poor and for good causes are glowing with special aura even after losing their entire treasures and wealth.