Tuesday 16 December 2014

Drashtavyeshu kimuththamam?

Drashtavyeshu kimuththamam?mrugadrusah premaprasannam mukham, Ghraathavveshvapi kim?thadaasyapavanah sraavyeshu kim?thadvachah, Kim svaadveshu?thadoshtapallavarasah,sprusyeshu kim?thadvapuh, Rdhyeyam kim?navayouvane sahrudayaih sarvathra thadvibhramaah//7// Here writer is explaining which are nearer to the heart and soul in a question and answer mode.A lover is romantic at heart. What are the things which make him salivate and liquify his senses are these.What do youth want to see ?They want to see the cute and beautiful face of his lover.His visual senses are satisfied.What do they want to smell?Body odour of his lover which lightly comes from her face towards him.What does he want to hear?The best things he wants hear is her lady loves voice.By this ,his audio senses are satisfied.What does he want to drink most?The slight wetness over her lips when he kisses her.By this act,his taste buds get a boost.What does he wants to touch mostly?He wants to touch the soft,smooth and tender skin of his lover.What does he want to think all the time?He wants to relish and think over and over her beautiful and mind rocking gestures and behaviour all the time and savour it . All this proves that people should go for the best and to pick the best woman for their lives.

Smitham kinchanmugdham

Smitham kinchanmugdham,sarala tharalo drushti vibhavah Parispando vaachaa mabhinava vilaasokthirasah, Gathaanaa maarambhah kisalayitha leelaaparikarah Sprusanthyaa sthaarunyam ki miva hi na ramyam mrugadrusah//6// For one,who enters into her teenage,every thing she does is rapturous to the on looker.She has little smile on her face.She is cute to look at.Her looks waver here and thither once and again and is bewitching.She starts to talk in a sweet voice in an alluring way.She starts to swing her hips lightly as it is the beginning of her youth.She starts to feel shy in a very light manner. All theses guestures and behaviour are cute on a teenager.

vakthram chandra vikaasi

Vakthram chandra vikaasi,panka japareehaasakshame lochane, Varnah swarnamapaakarishnu,ralineejishnuh kachaanaam chayah, Vakshojaa vibhakumbha vibhramaharou,gurvi nithambasdhalee, Vaachaam haari cha maardavam,yuvathishu swaabhaavikammandanam//5// Writer is of the opinion that women have so many assets by birth itself naturally.They have a shining face like that of a moon.They have beautiful eyes which belittle even the beauty of lotus flowers.They have golden sheen of skin which shines better than gold.their hair style resembles black bees.their breasts are more elegant than elephants kumbhasdhala.They talk in a delicious and melodious voice in softer tone.They have big and beautiful buttocks.

Friday 5 December 2014

kvachi thprabhroobhangeh

Kvachi thpabhroobhangeh ,kvachi dapi cha lajjaaparigathaih, kvachi dbheethithasthraih,kvachi dapi leelaavilasithaih, kumaareenaa methairmadanasubvhagai rnethravalithaih Sphurannee laabjaanaam prakaraparikeernaa iva disah//4// writer is explaining the traits of women who bewitch men.At times,they lift their eyebrows.At another time,they project remnants of shyness.Sometimes,they are afraid and confused and shiver with fear.Many a time,they improve their looks and appearance.Due to excitement,some times their looks appear astonishment and their eyes and looks look like black lotus flowers.

Bhroochaathuryath kunchi

bhroochaathuryaath kunchi,thaakshaah kataakshaah Snigdhaa vaacho lajjithaanthaascha haasaah, leelaamandam prasdhitham cha sdhitham cha sthreenaa methadbhooshanam chaayudham cha//3// women move their eyebrows in a special fashion to attract men.they half close their eyes and look at men from the corner of their eyes.they talk sweetly.Their smiles are flooded with shyness in which men get entangled.They swing their hips while walking. So,even if a man sees from the back,he is moon struck.Their smiling faces bewitch men.All these traits are natural ornaments to women.These come to apt use in bowling their men.

sthree prasamsa...smithena bhaavena

smithena bhaavena cha lajjayaa bhiyaa paraangmukhairardha kataaksha veekshanaih, vachobhi rirshyaakala hena leelayaa samastha bhaavaih khalu bandanam sthriyah//2// in the act of creation,womans role is very important. so,the poet is praising woman,starting from her smile,like this.with a simple smile only a woman can bowl even sages. women bind men in family life by doing many gestures. few of them are here.They smile.they move their hands in the air.they become shy in the presence of a man.they show their displeasure by turning off their faces from men.they half close their eyes and look at them.they mesmerise by their talk.They sulk timidly.they allure by their beauty.like this,by various gestures,they attract men.